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  • Sucks when occasionally the people's voices you care deeply about get distorted. What a cruel affliction
    An absolute nightmare. My wife's voice has harsh 's' and 'th' sounds now.
    Hearing test post trauma tomorrow…pretty nervous. The frequency of the video was 6000hz hopefully no hearing loss
    No hearing loss. In fact, my ears are super sensitive in the 4-8k range at 0 decibels
    so if you didn't have hearing loss how did your T increase? :) stress?
    Idk if I'll ever know for sure. I know the vaccine caused me to have ringing and I believe it made my ears more sensitive. So when I played a video that shouldn't have done anything normally it damaged my ears. Hopefully temporary but we'll see I guess.
    Is there any consensus on the pain distinction between TTTS and Pain H
    Nothing official, I think. I've had this for almost 2 years now and I still can't tell for sure. I know it's TTTS when I tense up around sounds that I can't hear. This is the ache-type of pain. Pain H has a more severe burning needle-stabbing effect, and the pain will linger for hours or days
    @danielthor thanks Daniel for your insight! Yea I have the thousand needle stabbing sensation but for most part pain ends when stimulus ends. And there's huge variance, sometimes text message hurts sometimes it doesn't. When the Hyperacusis started my ear tightened up after the noise assault
    Same stabbing pain as the other ear and it tingles my the area near my back teeth. What a stupid disease
    I can't believe this having one "good ear" made a huge difference now pain in both ears
    If I didn't watch the video in attempt to mask my tinnitus, my tinnitus would have faded in time. I'll forever be filled with regret
    Keep calm.
    you know i think it was more your nervous system than the 5 sec video that did this :)
    Ahha I wish so deeply that was the case. Thanks nonetheless for your kind words I hope you are healing as well and well both get out of this
    I believe that when your guilt goes away, your t will get better. I think it's peaking related to the emotional state.
    It's been 6 months here, I don't really believe it :/
    my last hopes are science.
    Pretty worried about upcoming hearing test. I had one a day after the acoustic trauma. But right ear feels weaker…hope it's just in my head
    Although it was close to my face it wasn't at max volume. How could 5 seconds do so much damage to me
    Max volume of iPhone is like 100 decibels it wasn't even max volume but it was high pitched
    Hello man! All these are really unfortunate, mine was more gradual damage over time (I think). I'm greek too, so if you want to get in touch, tell me!
    When I got into a quiet room and put headphones on I can't hear it. But when I take them off I can wtf Ear feels warm today, still reactive
    Two nights it's been objectively lower. I know hope springs eternal and at risk of being pollyanish this gives be hope. Reactivity also down
    Starting to hate the fact that all these biotech companies logos are cochlea-related. I hate the cochlea. Fish, birds regenerate, not us wtf
    Less productive at work than I used to be. Continuously mourning my past life. Can't believe a video did so much damage to me
    you had tinnitus prior watching that video? sound therapy only seems to help people who already have bad damage in their ears, i never listen to any sound therapy, i do these head and ear massages and it helps me alot to relax. Also the first month was hard for me to sleep as well, but after my ears got used to the ringing, sleeping became way easier
    Hi @Anniz thanks for your correspondence and that really makes me happy to hear! Yea I had reactive sounds in my left ear, but I went and just randomly choose 6k hertz video to listen to. No headphones, I pressed play on my phone while on my chest and 5 seconds it for whatever reason really hurt my good ear and there was ringing followed after. I'm still in disbelief about what transpired
    Didn't have ringing in it before now have reactive tinnitus in it and sound sensitivity both loud and pain. Right ringing is worse that left one by a lot. 2 Ents say I should be better in time…but I'm just shell shocked to be frank. I would have been fine with the left ringing prior to the sound it's slightly worse post random YouTube clip
    1 month. The bad: sleep deprived, Sensitivity, reactivity and ringing persists. The good: I'm blessed with the best support group.
    Wish reactive T wasn't a thing then I could mask T and desensitize H with white noise. Until then crickets I guess.
    @SD7 If the reactivity manifests as spikes, it could be due to the H - which creates a Catch 22 as some cases need desensitization. Can you listen to crickets without any bad worsening? In that case, it could very well act as desensitization.
    Hi @Stacken77 thanks for your insight. It reacts to cricket noises but not as much as white noise and air conditioning. And you're right some people don't draw distinction between the two
    Can't believe a youtube video without headphones did this to me
    Thanks Bill Im hoping and I don't even believe it myself even though I lived it. My phone was near my face and the pitch was really high. I'll keep you posted, the fact that there's some very very mild hyperacusis worries me deeply
    Moreover I'll follow your guidelines from past comments at least for the upcoming years to avoid loud avenues
    As Bill said, this might not be permanent, especially if you have no discernible hearing loss! Hyperacusis does go away for some.
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