Recent content by Seb_Dust

  1. S

    Desperate... How Can I Live with This? :'(

    Dear Smith, I hope today is a better day! My sister was never told what induced hers, she had heaps of tests done, and they found nothing that they could pinpoint as a cause to tinnitus ( I think most of us get that answer...). I do know it was stress induced, as she had a complicated...
  2. S

    Desperate... How Can I Live with This? :'(

    Dear smith, I am very sorry to hear this is happening to you. I feel compelled to reply, as my sister also suffers from tinnitus that she developed in the last stage of her second pregnancy. Her's is a "washing machine" sound, pulsating. I do not want to say it will or will not go away. I have...
  3. S

    My Story

    Hi All, First time poster, long time lurker. I just wanted to share my story, not success, but definitely a happy ending. So, I am Sebastian, and have Tinnitus since November 2016. Now, it has only been 5 months, but I do believe I now have an understanding of this peculiar companion we have...