Recent content by Shelley

  1. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    I think so yes, i guess it’s hard to tell if it’s lower or you perceive it as lower when it doesn’t bother you as much. I guess it doesn’t really matter though as long as it is better!
  2. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    Also regarding hypercausis I would at first over wear ear plugs or I would use my over the ear head phones as protection. But this only increases your sensitivity to noise. Being around everyday level noise I think is important in recovery. And the knowledge that this level of noise is not...
  3. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    I don’t think it’s as loud anymore no, I had a few different sounds going on when it first started. I do think it has calmed down now and I mostly only hear the one noise, sometimes I notice an old sound has come back, but I know it will disappear again. So I don’t worry about it.
  4. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    In the beginning yes, I took a vitamin b supplement among a whole lot of other things, that I had read about on this forum or similar. But I can’t say that any of them made much of a noticeable difference. I was desperate to find something that helped and would have tried pretty much anything...
  5. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    Hi, yes my hyperacusis went away. It took time, but I do not struggle at all with day to day noise anymore. I used to struggle with the tv, music the noise from roads, the washing machine etc etc. But now that’s all fine. I pushed myself more as time went on, I can now happily be in a noisy...
  6. S

    Young People with Tinnitus

    Hi everyone, I haven’t visited this forum for years because everything has been fine with the ears. Bit of a back story. I got tinnitus 6 years ago when I was 22, it came on after a stressful period of time, don’t know if the two were related. I suffered pretty bad hyperacusis, I had to listen...
  7. S

    Going to the Theatre / Movies?

    Thank you, it took me over 6 months to brave going out again, but I feel a lot better for it :) I will get the app and hopefully it will make me feel a bit better about it. I'm thinking it can't be any louder than a cinema??
  8. S

    Going to the Theatre / Movies?

    (Sorry I wasn't sure where to section this, so feel free to move it!) My friend has invited me to go to the theatre tonight, I know the tickets are fairly near the back, so I'm slightly concerned that there will be speakers right behind me, and how loud it is going to be. I have been out...
  9. S

    Tinnitus Masking: In-Ear Maskers

    Hi Karl, on the right hand side of each item theres a little drop down menu which say what db they go to, each one seems to have three settings, 50db, 60db or 70bd however one I saw went up to 95! I looked at the Tranquil make as well which start at 0db, are they the ones you have? I would...
  10. S

    Tinnitus Masking: In-Ear Maskers

    Thanks Erik is that the Audimed ones? I'm looking at them now. The only issue I can see with them is the lowest they all go down to is 50 decibels, which seems quite loud to me? I only really want it very quietly in the background.
  11. S

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    *Thanks for the info!
  12. S

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    Thanks Karen. I cant manipulate it by touching anywhere on my face, but I have found like the author mentions if I push my jaw out a different sound appears, also when I yawn or cletch my teeth the noise becomes louder and a solid note (normally it flikers, thats the best way I can describe it!)...
  13. S

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    How do you know if your T is somatic?
  14. S

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    ok thank you, I think I may give it a go :)
  15. S

    Tinnitus Masking: In-Ear Maskers

    Has anyone bought their own in ear/ outer ear white noise generators? I was thinking about getting some and attempting my own at home, TRT. Just wondering if anyone else has given this a go? Or what noise generators are best?