Recent content by Shriniwas

  1. Shriniwas

    How Can Ear Irrigation / Syringing Cause Tinnitus? What Is the Mechanism?

    Can someone please explain by what mechanism can ear syringing cause tinnitus? I had loud tinnitus due to earwax blockage which immediately subsided after ear syringing, but this mild tinnitus (a deep low frequency tone) remained. Even that improved over last 2.5 months. Now it is very mild...
  2. Shriniwas

    Tinnitus Distress is the problem.

    Tinnitus Distress is the problem.
  3. Shriniwas

    Have to Learn to Keep a Positive Facade

    @fishbone, @katri, Thank you for the kind words.
  4. Shriniwas

    Have to Learn to Keep a Positive Facade

    After two and a half months with my tinnitus, I have learned the hard way that I cannot let my inner misery spread to my family and friends. They can't help me and mostly have their own things to attend to. My outpouring of frustration and their inability to understand what's going on with me...
  5. Shriniwas

    Attention Christians!

    That was poigant John, I am praying for all of us with all my faith! Stay strong, man.
  6. Shriniwas

    Can Someone Please Explain This? Sudden and Unexpected Improvement in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    This thing. To me, it feels to be behind the back of my head rather than inside. Thus I call it a hovering sensation. It's not even a sound goddamnit. Inexplicable.
  7. Shriniwas

    What If Having Tinnitus Is Actually Cool and Fun?

    @JohnAdams, there certainly might be a parallel universe wherein having T is considered cool and people flaunt it.
  8. Shriniwas

    Can Someone Please Explain This? Sudden and Unexpected Improvement in Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    @JohnAdams, did it disappear overnight? And is the hovering sensation in brain still there? By the way, my T seems to perfectly match yours. Have you also noticed that the hovering sensation is noticeable only inside closeted space such as inside bathroom or car with doors closed? It seems to...
  9. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    Quoting Einstein again: "The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can’t grasp them. There is a pattern in creation. If we look at this tree outside whose roots search beneath the pavement for water, or a flower which sends its sweet smell to the...
  10. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    Absolutely right @coffee_girl, I am asking you to try this because I myself want to validate this theory with evidence. All I am asking is to react to new information with How? and Why?, Not LOL straightaway. BTW, I do have Tinnitus. Intensity: 1-2/10 in my left ear (from initial 4/10) Anxiety...
  11. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    Newtonian laws of motion were word of Science, until Einstein proposed theory of relativity, rendering those laws absolutely immature. Einstein proposed quantum mechanics, which he himself died resisting in search of Theory of Everything. We still don't know if light is wave or particle...
  12. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    ee9892, I mean absolutely no disrespect and I am sorry you feel offended. I am only trying to help and am fellow sufferer too. All I am asking is to invest a week or at least a few days. See if it works and then call it BS with total conviction. I will not be offended. Also, stop calling...
  13. Shriniwas

    The Curable Part of Tinnitus

    Hello all, I developed mild tinnitus about 11 weeks ago in my left ear after I got ear syringing done to remove impacted earwax. You are at an important and stressful crossroad in your career and life throws this at you! I was devastated and depressed. I am, even now, but I am recovering. And...
  14. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    Hello Manny, If you are asking where this stuff physically is in our bodies, I am sorry modern science is clueless. As it is with other mystic things such as Chakras and God, for that matter. These theories were not drafted out of thin air, it's just the deeper side of science. I urge you to...
  15. Shriniwas

    Shunya Mudra for Tinnitus Relief

    Just google or youtube Shunya Mudra, give it a try and see if it helps. BTW, Modern day Science has only gotten more and more humble as it has learnt more. I would love to explain how deep and subtle Ayurvedic science is, but it would take time.