Recent content by Shuffle

  1. Shuffle

    2 Months of Tinnitus, Over the Last Month It's Decreased. Will It Continue to Do So?

    Couldn't tell you for certain, perhaps a year? I went through a spike at about 6 months which was absolutely horrific, and then it began to settle over time again. You will always get the spikes though.
  2. Shuffle

    That Moment....

    I suspect I saw the moment some more poor folk got T this week. I was at a gig, and before anyone asks I was fully plugged up and stood right at the very back on like a raised platform as far away from the speakers as possible! I could hear my T over the band playing, so it wasn't loud where I...
  3. Shuffle

    What Would You Do If Your Tinnitus Suddenly Stopped?

    Saw them at Reading Festival last year. A good set of earplugs do wonders. Amazing show As to the thread title, eat, sleep, work and never go anywhere without earplugs! Much like now really. I would spend a good few hours somewhere silent though and just soak it up. You don't know what you got...
  4. Shuffle

    Long Time No See

    I'm suffering similarly at the moment due to a bout of sinusitis. Hang in there, it will get better. Mind you, I've had mine over a month! It started to get better end of last week and then came back with a bang. More than a little irritating.
  5. Shuffle

    20-Year-Old with Noise-Induced Tinnitus, I Am Scared

    I still go out, and go to gigs. I'm going to one on Saturday. A good set of earplugs and standing somewhere sensible and it's fine. I've not had an increase from a gig since my initial problems. You're back to how much risk you want to take though. Personally, I feel sitting in at home worrying...
  6. Shuffle

    20-Year-Old with Noise-Induced Tinnitus, I Am Scared

    Yes, I think I've mentioned before on here I was in the middle of, what still is, the most stressful time of my life by a mile when my T started. I wasn't so much anxious, but certainly suffering depression, stress, sleep deprived etc.
  7. Shuffle

    20-Year-Old with Noise-Induced Tinnitus, I Am Scared

    I got my T from working with heavy machinery, going to (many) gigs and DJing at clubs. I remember clearly all the feelings you are having now when I realised what I had done, I was 24. The anxiety, depression and (for me at least!) complete panic at times. Your T may well subside over the coming...
  8. Shuffle

    Do You Hear Your Tinnitus on Your Pillow?

    It happens to me. I tend to listen to podcasts. I'm usually asleep before the intro has finished! Best thing for me.
  9. Shuffle

    I Asked Some Musicians on Another Forum About Tinnitus

    A friend of mine I go to gigs with has a similar outlook. I mentioned to him I had given myself T a month or two after the original incident. He just said his ears had been like that for years and it didn't bother him. Never wears ear protection. Works on industrial engines for a living, which...
  10. Shuffle

    2 Months of Tinnitus, Over the Last Month It's Decreased. Will It Continue to Do So?

    Mine decreased over time, until it hit a 'level' and it stayed there. You will get spikes where it is suddenly louder, for a reason or not (mine appears to be related to a sinus infection). I'm on the backside (hopefully) of a spike at the moment, it's not back to where it was, but it's back to...
  11. Shuffle

    Headphones Time Machine

    None at the time! That was the problem! I now wear ER20s for low level stuff and 40db foam plugs for gigs. The ER20s are good for normal ears in gigs, but I feel T ears need more protection
  12. Shuffle

    Earwax Confusion, Can Anybody Help Me?

    My experience is it can definitely make it worse.
  13. Shuffle

    Earwax Confusion, Can Anybody Help Me?

    Mine is a continuous high tone. They were syringed by my practice nurse here in the UK. I'd read on here before about the problems it can cause, but elected it was worth the risk at the time. I was right, I got away with it.
  14. Shuffle

    Is Anyone Currently Doing "Nothing" for Their Tinnitus?

    Nearly nothing. I listen to alot more music. I wear plugs alot (to stop it worsening!) and I take magnesium and B Vits (Whether they work or not, it's a cheap placebo, and the B Vitamins help me at work). It had worked pretty well, until my recent spike. I just have to learn doing nothing over...
  15. Shuffle

    Earwax Confusion, Can Anybody Help Me?

    Agreed. After my wax was removed my T was reduced down to a much more manageable level. I haven't had my ears looked at in the 3 years since I initially accquired T, now you mention it. Probably ought to. Question to you though, how is it done without syringeing? That's how I had mine done...