Recent content by SilverFox

  1. SilverFox

    A Faint, Brief, Sine Tone in One Ear?

    This sounds similar to Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus (SBUTT), which is a normal occurrence. Some evidence suggests that people with tinnitus experience SBUTTs more frequently than regular people.
  2. SilverFox

    Tinnitus Following a Respiratory Virus

    I had sudden tinnitus onset after what appeared to be a mild cold. It has remained on for more than a year. My hearing is also nearly perfect, even in the upper frequencies. Unfortunately, my ENT did not mention steroids at the time, so I don't know if they would've helped.
  3. SilverFox

    You've won! Please be very careful in the future and protect your hearing.

    You've won! Please be very careful in the future and protect your hearing.
  4. SilverFox

    Work gives me some distraction.

    Work gives me some distraction.
  5. SilverFox

    Life Robbed by Tinnitus, TTTS and Hyperacusis

    The past me would've dismissed this, but now I increasingly think the same. It is entirely unexpected to get such complications after a mild infection. This shouldn't ever normally happen. It appears that COVID-19 and vaccines against it have had a substantial role in premediating autoimmune...
  6. SilverFox

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Code written by scientists is always a mess, that's just how it is. It doesn't necessarily correlate with the quality of the research. A Ph. D. doesn't automatically give 10 years of software development experience.
  7. SilverFox

    I suddenly got static noise after doing some physical work. Ten minutes later it mostly...

    I suddenly got static noise after doing some physical work. Ten minutes later it mostly subsided. I suppose this is blood pressure-related?
  8. SilverFox

    @Juliane Hopefully, 2024 will be a better year for you and everyone here.

    @Juliane Hopefully, 2024 will be a better year for you and everyone here.
  9. SilverFox

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    This is not necessarily true. I heard 20 kHz into late twenties and can hear 18 kHz now in mid-thirties. There are many people like this; age-related hearing loss is individual. I found extended audiograms very useful because they actually show the whole picture, unlike a standard audiogram...
  10. SilverFox

    Chit Chat and All That...

    There is nothing fundamental preventing the finding of a cause and a cure for tinnitus, so likely there will be a solution in the future. But probably not in the near future. I think that the cure may come through stem cell therapy or nanorobotics. If only humanity spent as many resources on...
  11. SilverFox

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Only participants with somatic tinnitus were tested. Thus the efficacy for the general case is unknown.
  12. SilverFox

    Don't do online hearing tests. You can get an extended hearing test at a medical office.

    Don't do online hearing tests. You can get an extended hearing test at a medical office.
  13. SilverFox

    PSA: The Dangers of Pure Tones, Tone Generators and Frequency Sweeps

    I am not convinced that an audiogram in a clinical setting can do actual harm. The bigger danger is from people doing online hearing tests and cranking up volume beyond safe levels. One should watch out for the acoustic reflex test, though. This test uses loud sounds and is contraindicated for...
  14. SilverFox

    It's the stress. Stress can make your health much worse.

    It's the stress. Stress can make your health much worse.
  15. SilverFox

    How does one swim with tinnitus? Are special ear plugs recommended?

    How does one swim with tinnitus? Are special ear plugs recommended?