Recent content by sjtinguy

  1. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Is Not Always Permanent: After 6 Months of CBT and TRT, I'm Back to My Noisy Job

    Well I haven't spent $6000 on sound generators, which is just the first of many the examples of how you don't know what you are talking about and just want to argue. Instead filling this thread with misinformation and toxicity, you can start your own thread. But in here you're not welcome. You...
  2. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Is Not Always Permanent: After 6 Months of CBT and TRT, I'm Back to My Noisy Job

    People like you are toxic to this community and keep people in hell. You should feel bad. Other people on this forum, stop listening to these aholes and listen to someone who actually is living through a recovery. These guys know NOTHING about what they are talking about. This forum is full of...
  3. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Is Not Always Permanent: After 6 Months of CBT and TRT, I'm Back to My Noisy Job

    Hello hyperacusis people, I just want you to know that hyperacusis is not always permanent and no actual physical permanent damage has been done. The pain is caused by muscles and tendons which are sore but once they get a chance to relax, the pain and other sensations can go away. I suffered...
  4. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Can Get Better! Gotta Retrain Your Reptile Brain!

    I followed up with my audiologist on the noise therapy level with respect to tinnitus levels. The doctor said to make sure the volume level was well above your "threshold of hearing" and I misremembered that as above the "threshold of tinnitus". The key take away here is to trust your doctor...
  5. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Can Get Better! Gotta Retrain Your Reptile Brain!

    Well I'm going to trust my doctor because so far following her advice has basically saved my life. I'm just sharing my experience and hoping it helps somebody because the difference in my life from a few months ago to today is mindblowing. I'm not here to argue about or defend or have people...
  6. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Can Get Better! Gotta Retrain Your Reptile Brain!

    I agree that the exact regime I'm following might not work for everyone but I would strongly suggest everybody seek out an audiologist who has specific experience with hyperacusis and also consider some kind of therapy. I avoided doctors for years because I had gone to a few audiologists who...
  7. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Can Get Better! Gotta Retrain Your Reptile Brain!

    I asked my doctor about the pain caused by sound and she said there is a bunch of muscles and tendons in your ear that are all controlled involuntarily. The muscles tightening up and feeling painful is part of the same fight or flight response that also causes other people to feel that noises...
  8. sjtinguy

    Hyperacusis Can Get Better! Gotta Retrain Your Reptile Brain!

    Hello hyperacusis people. Hyperacusis sucks. It can rob you of everything, if you let it. I got reactive tinnitus with hyperacusis and ear pain back in 2017. At first it was terrible, though I got used to it and for a while I managed it ok. But then in 2020/21 a series of loud events occurred...
  9. sjtinguy

    Are There Any Remote Jobs That Don't Require Audio (Phone or Video Calls)?

    Companies might be able to work with you if you use voice to text software during video chats. You can just say you are hearing impaired and I'm sure they'd understand.
  10. sjtinguy

    Mild Tinnitus After 4th of July Party/Fireworks

    Welcome Dan. I would stay away from fireworks and all other similar loud noises, and also avoid events like concerts and professional sports, and hopefully your tinnitus will fade with time. If you only hear it in quiet rooms and are not affected in other ways, you've got a pretty mild case and...
  11. sjtinguy

    Working in Mining with Tinnitus?

    I would go with 3M brand in the highest possible NRR rating. You can see on their data sheets than the Peltor X5 which is 31 NRR only reduces 125 Hz by about 24 dB, at 32 Hz it's probably even less. Low frequency noises have larger wavelengths so they travel though solid objects easier...
  12. sjtinguy

    Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Dentist Filling?

    NAC up beforehand and explain to the doctor ahead of time your situation. Don't be afraid to ask to take breaks. I had a crown done one time and had to have the doctor stop for like 5 minutes while I paced around the office a bit. Lots of people say no hearing protection at the dentist, and I...
  13. sjtinguy

    Does Getting Angry Cause Your Tinnitus to Spike?

    Absolutely stress can make your ears ring more. Even people without tinnitus talk about "being so mad their ears would ring". If your ears are also irritated due to noise exposure then they might ring even louder than normal when you're stressed.
  14. sjtinguy

    Working in Mining with Tinnitus?

    Maybe try some heavy duty earmuffs instead of the "cheap" ones? If I'm reading your decibel meter right, most of the noise is low frequency which hearing protection is least effective in stopping. You may wish to start looking or alternatives if your ears are irritated every time after work...
  15. sjtinguy

    Water Stuck in Ear Canal — How to Get Rid of It Using Home Remedies?

    It's counter-intuitive, but putting MORE water in can often help those stubborn drops make their way free. Kinda like how single drops of water can stick to a window but a few drops combined will roll right down the glass.