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  • I also get spikes after exercise or walking > 10 mins (I'm a relatively fit 26-year old!) - it seems part and parcel of T but I don't understand why it happens.

    Likewise best of luck my friend - I'm also hoping we see some improvements in our lifetime.
    I can understand how since your T was caused by acoustic trauma it might be trickier to adjust to going to loud events but provided you stay away from speakers, regulate the time you spend exposed to the noise and pop your earplugs in when needed, you should be ok.
    Hey Sleepy! For some reason I can't reply to your message directly - so here's my reply!

    Doing outside activities was what really helped me to get as close to normal as before T. I'm always sure to have my protective earplugs with me when I go to events/parties etc for when I need them. If you don't already have a pair you should look into them, I spent around £15 I think not too long ago.
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