Recent content by sleepy

  1. sleepy

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Recovery After 2 Years (Not Habituation)

    I'm two months in with acoustic trauma T. These stories are great. Thanks for posting! <3
  2. sleepy

    Can Cochlear Tinnitus Become Central Tinnitus?

    Sorry, I'm using my cellphone so it's difficult to quote what you highlighted. My fleeting T sounds like a flash bang effect in a video game. Thanks for highlighting that, I'm still quite new to this so I'm unfamiliar with some of the terminology. My T was almost disappearing during my first...
  3. sleepy

    Can Cochlear Tinnitus Become Central Tinnitus?

    I have acoustic damage via headphones. I also get this loud ringing noise in my ears, either my left or right. It sounds like the ringing noise when you get hit with a flashbang in a videogame. I have to forcefully pop my ears sometimes to make it go away. It makes me uncomfortable at times...
  4. sleepy

    [Reddit Success] I Went to a Concert a Week Ago and My Ears Are Still Ringing

    Thanks for reposting. It's hard to find acoustic damage success stories. All lot of the new guys need something positive to read to have some hope in their lives. Cheers!
  5. sleepy

    How a Single Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life

    @Grimmfandango Try reading a few posts in the success forum. It has provided me some relief. I hope your T calms down soon. Best wishes.
  6. sleepy

    Flight with Hyperacusis

    I wore earmuffs and foam earplugs when I was on my flight. I didn't have any issues with air pressure. Bring chewing gum with you just in case.
  7. sleepy

    Struggle with Life

    @Aschenherz Wishing you best of luck on your recovery. I understand everything you wrote down. It's a tough road starting off with T. I recently got mine and I'm discovering all the things I love do is spiking my T. Getting sleep for me was my first step to recovery. I still have T and it...
  8. sleepy

    New Problems Making Habituation DIfficult

    I've do half an hour of running for warm-ups (maybe 2-3 miles) and I mostly focus on weight lifting. It feels like weight lifting affects my T more than running. It feels like when my blood pressure is up my T worsens. Although everyone recommends exercise, I'm hesitant to do so with my spikes.
  9. sleepy

    Is Changing/New Tones etc. "Normal" in First 6 Months?

    @Paul10 I'm less than two months in. I acquired a new tone as well, high pitched crickets. I still get occasional ringing sometimes. The ringing is more easy to deal with for me. I get sharp loud ringing noises sometimes in the day, like my T doubles and goes back to baseline in a few seconds...
  10. sleepy

    New Problems Making Habituation DIfficult

    @Casper I've been getting minor ear aches and some fullness in my ears this week as well. I had T since February. My T has been spiking louder as of this week. I've been avoiding loud noises and headphones for awhile. Only thing I can attribute the increase of noise is me getting back to my...
  11. sleepy

    Flying and Early Tinnitus?

    I recently went on a 4 hour flight. I used both foam ear plugs and ear muffs at the same time. The forum warns of barotrauma (Google it). The ear plugs got a bit annoying because it felt abrasive in my ears so I switched to my ear muffs only. I had a slight increase in my T, but it went back...
  12. sleepy

    MRI Side Effects?

    @Aish Depending on the hospital, you might need to take a creatinin blood test if you're able to do the dye contrast for your scan. The MRI machine was loud for me. It sounded like a construction site. If your T was noise induced, I'd recommend ear plugs. Some people are affected by the...
  13. sleepy

    Ambien (Zolpidem) Experiences?

    Sorry Jake, I really feel for you. I don't want to be some random guy on the internet telling you what to take and what not to take. You have to talk to your doctor and tell him your issues and how it's making things difficult for you. Please try to hold out until you can talk to a doctor so...
  14. sleepy

    Ambien (Zolpidem) Experiences?

    I've never had a blackout or anything of the sort when I was on it. I've only taken 3 doses to fix my insomnia (4 days). Only side effect worth mentioning was it gave me diarrhea and a slight drowsiness when I woke up. My onset with T was in February. I've had days where I was like you...
  15. sleepy

    Ambien (Zolpidem) Experiences?

    That was what was prescribed to me by my ENT. It practically turned off my T when I took it. My doctor recommended me only to take half of it, but whether it was half or a full dose it knocked me out. I haven't taken it since a week ago, I'm trying to adjust to sleeping with T in my head...