It was myringotomy without tubes. I was prescribed steroid nasal spray to help with blocked eutachian tubes and I have to keep my fingers crossed that the fluid does not come back, I am feeling optimistic. Yes, the hearing improved after the procedure but I am not sure if the hearing is in the...
ENT said to me it isnt a surprise I havent heard in few weeks because I had so much fluid in ear and eutachian tube issues. The fluid was removed with myringotomy, now from other ear.
I am sick and tired of these flu induced ear and hearing issues. My left ear has been clogged for two weeks now making me feel like I cant hear with that ear. I feel pressure in my ears. I mostly hear tinnitus.
I just hope this horrific tinnitus will come down and I get my hearing back after my ear recovers from infection and the tiny hole ENT decided to do to my eardrum to let the fluid out (was it even necessary, there was only tiny amount) . All the trauma comes to my mind from the beginning of my...
I was almost habituated to my T before this flu, ear drum infection BS. It took years. My hearing is so off at the moment, I cant hear, my ear is clogged. There is a tiny hole in my eardrum. Tinnitus is like in the beginning of T but now in my previously better ear.
And also ENT did microsuction on top of everything before the procedure. My hearing is so messed up at the moment. Tinnitus is so intolerable in my usually better ear I feel like I cant take it. :(
My last week has been a nightmare. Terrible flu, eardrum infection, fluid in my ear, eutachian tube issues. ENT had to do a small hole to my eardrum let the fluid out. My tinnitus is bad now in my better ear.
I am so angry. Some stupid driver let a little kid blast emergency car siren two meters from me when I was walking near the car. 😡 So the kid could try it. What an idiot.