Recent content by Solate

  1. Solate

    How Many Times a Week Do You Shower?

    It depends.. Some weeks I shower every other day, but other weeks (mostly the weeks when work/stress/T/..) gets me down more, I shower every day because the warmth and noise of the showers works against stress.
  2. Solate

    Loud Movie Last Night — Screaming Tinnitus Today. Will It Return to Baseline?

    Vegas Robb, My tinnitus spikes every time after a dinner party or visit to the movies, but it always goes back down after a couple of hours. You should be fine! Courage!
  3. Solate

    Habituation to multiple noises

    Dear dr. Nagler, Do you know if it's possible to a multitude of different noises, that are also changing from time to time? I'm 2 years in and I do experience that, when a certain noise stays long enough, the anxiety/responses to that noises subsides. The noises keep changing and new noises...
  4. Solate

    Transcranial Stimulation Treatments (rTMS & tDCS & tACS)

    Just wanted to add my experience with tDCS: After a couple of months of tinnitus (and it getting worse for no reason), I went to UZA (Antwerp, Belgium) where they ruled out a somatic cause for my tinnitus (had an MRI). I had an EEG, which suggested I had elevated brain-activity in a couple of...
  5. Solate

    Has Anyone Screamed Next to Your Ears?

    No one has shouted next to my ears yet, but I did drive on the highway with the windows open for a couple of hours once (stupid, I know). When I got home, one of my ears felt dull and the other had several new loud noises.. I was sure i damaged my ears permanently.. After a couple of hours and a...
  6. Solate

    New Noises and Changing Tinnitus

    I'm just wondering if it is even possible to habituate to this kind of tinnitus? After 2 years, I still freak out when I hear a weird new noise, because every noise I've acquired so far has stayed with me.. I've got days when for example my right ear seems less loud and it bothers me less, but...
  7. Solate

    New Noises and Changing Tinnitus

    In the 2 years I experience tinnitus (no clear reason why it began), the sound has gone from a unilateral morse code that was only heard at night to a bilateral orchestra with a variety of sounds, also heard in above tv or a busy office-environment.. Doctors found nothing wrong (mri ok, hearing...
  8. Solate

    Not New to Tinnitus... Tinnitus Getting Worse Every Few Months...

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking on this forum for some time now, but I've been feeling the urge to post my tinnitus-story just recently because tinnitus is really getting to me lately. In november 2012, suddenly one night I became aware of a fluttering in my right eardrum when I was lying in...