Recent content by Sound Wave

  1. Sound Wave

    Anyone Have Experience with Doxepin?

    Hi all, it’s been a while. Decided to see if there’s any talk about doxepin here. I started to try these for improving sleep and my T seemed to flare up. It’s been quite low for many many months...
  2. Sound Wave

    Muse Headband for Meditation

    Hi all. I am back just for a while and decided to recommend the Muse. I started to learn meditation about two months ago. First I used Headspace but then got the Muse and really like it. It is also a good choice for us with tinnitus, because of the rainfall noise you use to see your calmness level.
  3. Sound Wave

    New Bose SleepBuds: Do They Work with Tinnitus?

    Hi all. I decided to log in after a loooong break to see if these have been already discussed. Seems they have.
  4. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    If I said that, I stand corrected! I do listen to headphones, but I keep the volume low and take breaks. Very important.
  5. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    Yeah. It’s somatic all right. I researched this quite a bit back in the days - and posted A LOT about this. This latest development with Susan Shure and signal timing seems to confirm the important somatic role of T. I even tried a TENS device for this.
  6. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    No, I could mask it for example with the rain sound or music. My T is on left ear, around 8-9KHz, constant sound, which modulates when I move my head or jaw in certain ways. If I am stressed or tired, T is louder. Same happens if I am exposed to loud noise. Luckily the T volume has remained more...
  7. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    @MeBeSurfer, I understand what you mean. It is of course very normal, and human, to search for information about new health issues like T and many people can probably do that without freaking out. I couldn't and it just drew me deeper into anxiety.
  8. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    Disagree or not, this remains my story :)
  9. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    Hi all It can get better, even though it was almost IMPOSSIBLE to think so, when I got tinnitus and fell down into the spiral of anxiety and despair. I guess I have habituated... I rarely think about or notice tinnitus during the days. I hear it when I am listening music with closed headphones...
  10. Sound Wave

    Who or What Do You Blame for Your Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, or Other Challenging Thing?

    Sennheiser HD 700 audiophile grade headphones, which I listened once for two long and too loud... :(
  11. Sound Wave

    The Best Things to Happen to You After Tinnitus

    My son was born. It also quieted down my T to all time low for 1-2 months. For real!
  12. Sound Wave

    What Is Habituation Like with Really Loud Tinnitus?

    I experience and view habituation as not noticing your T even though it's still there. The volume stays the same. You most likely have brief moments in your day, whether they last seconds or minutes, when you do something that requires your full attention and at that moment you don't remember /...
  13. Sound Wave

    Tinnitus Since Yesterday After Concert — What Should I Do Now?

    I wish I would have done these things in the first days: - LEAVE THIS SITE! - DO NOT RESEARCH T IN THE INTERNET - Do all sorts of nice things you love that distract you from listening and thinking about T => the idea is to prevent your brain to 'learn' and associate T to distress and fear
  14. Sound Wave

    Pokémon Go

    Yes, experimenting here a bit. Still at level 4... :)