Recent content by squirrelgirl

  1. S

    Glad to hear! I got it just over 2 weeks ago, and the good days at the moment are becoming more...

    Glad to hear! I got it just over 2 weeks ago, and the good days at the moment are becoming more common than the bad ones. So I am happy that I now have good protection against covid itself and that my tinnitus isnt worse than what I can handle. I hope it stays this way even if booster shots are...
  2. S

    Hey! Did you end up getting the 2nd shot?

    Hey! Did you end up getting the 2nd shot?
  3. S

    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Update: After getting the 2nd dose Pfizer a week ago I might have had a short spike, at least it seemed my ears were more sensitive to noise that they previously had not had an reaction to. Things triggered them quite easily. Yesterday was the first day I felt more like they were returning to...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    I’m taking the same road as you here. My spike lasted longer, but I think that is partly also due to other factors like flushing my ears from wax, which seems to have irritated them a lot. Plus a lot of stress, bad sleep and pregnancy issues. I hope it will go back to baseline over time. I do...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    My spike from dose 1, if that is what it was, has been the weirdest tinnitus I have ever had. Yesterday it was back to baseline. This morning back up. I’m starting to think that it is also connected to the fact that I am pregnant and many seem to get weirder tinnitus spikes when pregnant. I...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Update. Had my hearing checked. No hearing loss, all looks perfect. Ears look fine. No irritation, nothing. I just do not understand this, but I do hope that whatever reason for the increase in my tinnitus, or how I hear it - it will recede over time. Last weeks I felt a huge variation in...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    EXACTLY this. If it stays where it is now I am ok. It was better before but I can live with it where it is now. Some days are better where it is almost back to baseline and some days I hear it through pouring rain which wasn't an issue before. But should it increase even more I don't know how I...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Yeah, I really want to take the 2nd dose, but am terrified that the tinnitus will increase even more, to a level where it is actually something that would make life permanently worse.
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    A question to all who have taken both doses even though your tinnitus got worse after dose 1: Did it stay at the same level after dose 2 or did it worsen even more? If it got worse after dose 2 - did it improve afterwards? I have taken dose 1 and my tinnitus is worse than before at base...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    How long did it take before it settled? I noticed something around 10 h after dose 1 as well, it settled pretty much until the next day but now 2 days later I feel like I notice it a bit more again on one ear. Knowing how my tinnitus work it might be stress or something like that from the whole...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Personally I hope that this suspected link between vaccine and tinnitus will be closely examined and studied, to firstly see if it exists, and if so - what it comes from. It is an immune response, which might explain why some get it easier than others? Is it reversible for all, just on different...
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Is Pfizer looking into it? Do you know if the tinnitus triggered by the Shingles vaccine is temporary?
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Seems like it differs a lot then. I heard a report today from one woman where it disappeared totally in a week and another where it stayed low. Wonder why this is. I’m used to spikes that slowly disappear, that’s how my tinnitus has worked the last 24 years at least. I notice a spike, think a...