Recent content by Stacey427

  1. Stacey427

    First Post, 5 Months In...

    Hey Katie! First off, I’m so sorry to read your post. Not because I don’t appreciate it, because I wish you didn’t have to be here or deal with Tinnitus, it’s a tough condition and I’m truly sending the biggest hug to you right now. I just want to chime in and try to answer some of your...
  2. Stacey427

    Horrid Spike After Exposed to Loud Music at an Engagement Party

    @Ross McLauchlan Thank you very much for the detailed reply! Maybe I ask, was your spike permanent? Thank you xxx
  3. Stacey427

    Horrid Spike After Exposed to Loud Music at an Engagement Party

    Hi All, Just chiming in to see if I could grab some support? I had an engagement party last night, I decided I’d have a dance and try to live normally. I danced for s good hour or so, music was loud and so was outdoor area with tables and chairs (closed in under a cover and had to yell to...
  4. Stacey427

    Spike After Noise, Some Advice Please?

    Thank you all for the support and suggestions! I can’t thank you all enough. X
  5. Stacey427

    Spike After Noise, Some Advice Please?

    @Gav Thank you so much for the immediate reply, I’ve taken 300mg of magnesium but unfortunately do not have access to the others recommendations. My ear feels a little “full” and louder, if that makes any sense. But I can take more magnetism if needed, may I ask what dose of magnesium you...
  6. Stacey427

    Spike After Noise, Some Advice Please?

    Hi All, I’ve suffered with tinnitus for over five years now, I go ok with it sometimes, sometimes some days are harder than others. You know the drill. I often browse the forum, but I haven’t been on much of late as I’ve been busy and trying to always adjust. I have a question for anyone out...
  7. Stacey427

    Blow Drying Ears?

    Hi All, Haven't posted in such a long long time, just been living with it. I've learnt to live (I guess) with it. General question: I've had a spike (higher additional pitch squeal) in both ears after blow drying my ear canals. Now I do this after I wash my hair to dry out any possible water...
  8. Stacey427

    Exposed to Loud Sudden Noise: Can I Take NAC in Addition to Magnesium?

    Thank you! I took approx 400mg or so of NAC last night, should I take anymore? One ear feels slightly stuffy:(
  9. Stacey427

    Exposed to Loud Sudden Noise: Can I Take NAC in Addition to Magnesium?

    Quick question. Walking along the beautiful country side this detention, bomb. Harley Davidson motorcycle goes past. Metres from me, no time to cover ears. Got home took x2 500mgs of magnesium. Wondering if I should add some NAC to this? Can you take NAC with such a high dose of magnesium...
  10. Stacey427

    Antibiotics: Is Cefaclor Ototoxic?

    Hi all, Suspected throat/ tonsil infection, docs think I've grown resistant to penicillin and they want to trial me on some "cefaclor" to see if it can get rid it. Is "cefaclor" ototoxic in anyway at all? Any answers would be greatly appreciated, I want to start stat so I can eat and drink...
  11. Stacey427

    Question: Can I Take Amoxicillin and NAC at the Same Time?

    Hi all, Not new to T (one year now) and not sure where I'm meant to post this question...can I take NAC whilst on Amoxil (x500mg x 3 per day) ? Not sure if they mix negatively in the system or for T x
  12. Stacey427

    Virus and Tinnitus Spike

    Hi all, I'm stuck sitting at work and I've had q flu like virus the past two days, been blowing my nose like crazy (probably too rough) all days my at had spiked a fair bit and I'm nervous I've done some damage to my T from excessive blowing of my nose? I'm on amoxicillin at the moment for...
  13. Stacey427

    Amoxicillin... Enquiries Please :)

    Thanks for the reply:) can I ask what your dosage is?
  14. Stacey427

    Amoxicillin... Enquiries Please :)

    Hi all, I'm about to be required to start a two week course of amoxicillin (500mg tabs x2 daily, for two weeks). Usual concerns this going to be ok for my T? Is it too toxic in any shape or form and is a course that long and strong dangerous to my already exisiting T? Im also...
  15. Stacey427

    Oh No... Please Help with This Spike

    Thanks so much for that encouraging response:) Yeah I did not spend longer than twenty mins at s time (three times max maybe?) in the pub whilst the band was playing. I'm very nervous it won't go down and am too scared to take a lot of NAC. Thanks for the support and well words:)