Recent content by steffievdboom

  1. S

    "They're Just Sounds"

    Never knew this! But How would habituation be explaned then? Does the process move?
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    "They're Just Sounds"

    Buzzing sensation i mean
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    "They're Just Sounds"

    Sorry to hear this.. Also have this bezing sensation since a couple of days and yes iT is annoying. I have Also days that i 'suffer' a lot.. But really your OWN state of mind can really make you cope better. Take care all of you. Was not my intention to hurt anyone... Razah: check your blood...
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    What Feelings Do You Get When Your Tinnitus Bothers You?

    Worried but Also calm because i know the feelings are worse now but they Will get better as always... ;-)
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    Why Doesn't God Just Kill Me!

    Please stay calm and read all the comments... We know what you are going through... Take care and believe in yourself. You are strong and able to live with t iT just takes time.
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    "They're Just Sounds"

    IT is true they are just sounds... You Should really ask yourself what bothers you so much.. The sounds... Or... Your thoughts About the sounds.... My thoughts are much worse than the sound is ;)
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    The Fear of Getting Worse

    I guess iT is difficult for your therapist because t is something that you Can not 'heal' or understand when you never heats of it. but you can try to look at iT in another way. Like this : what feeling is this sound giving me? What is really going to happen if i Will hear this sound the rest...
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    The Fear of Getting Worse

    I just read About Tour anxiety disorder. I guess iT Will be al bit harder for you since you are worrying About a lot of things. Tinnitus is something that can make you worry a lot, even without an anxiety disorder. I really believe iT Will get better for you, but iT takes time. Try to...
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    The Fear of Getting Worse

    Hi zora.. I have been where you are.. The answer to your question: loosing the fear is part of your habituation... Believe me. I know myself i freaked out About my t daily.. And now.. I am relaxed, even when i hear iT loud!! IT Will all get better iT just takes time. Hang in[emoji256][emoji1306]
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    Help Me! :( — Crackling and Popping in Ears When I Swallow

    Dear owen &Penny do not panic so much!! I have popping and cracking ears like my whole life!! IT is what epic says, the Eustachius tube has Some issues. Not much they can do About iT. If iT gets really worse you can consider tubes in your Eardrum.... Owen i really ecperience the same as you...
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    How Many Times Has Cold/Flu Increased/Added to Your Tinnitus?

    Just untill the cold faded... Sandra!
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    How Many Times Has Cold/Flu Increased/Added to Your Tinnitus?

    IT always does but always temporary!!
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    Was Almost There and Then the "Spike" Came. :-(

    Please stay calm, things Will get better!!! The first months are the hardest... T is so unpredictable... But my ecperience is that you Will get more habituated after a while and a louder sound Will not make you nervous.
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    Spike Question (Volume-Based? Noise Itself Becomes Different? Experiences Please!)

    Dear Chris could you tell me what a 'Spike' is? I am from the Netherlands.... I have louder days and days that are more quiet. Some louder days end up in Weeks or even months... I think iT is mostly stress related...