Recent content by StephAtkings

  1. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Hi Guys, It has been a while since I have been on. I just want to say from August 2018- June 2019 I was thump free. If I did a burp I would maybe get a little rumble but it would lead to nothing. My doctor managed to pick up the vibrations by doing a long term typanometry test so he is more...
  2. StephAtkings

    Eardrum Pulsing Thumping and Fluttering

    Hi There, Yes I have middle ear myoclonus and this was diagnosed by my ENT by doing a long term Tympanometry test. Basically its a device that goes right to the back of your ear drum and records the movement. You need to be having an attack for this to work. I was offered surgery as soon as it...
  3. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Hi Wendy, If you are on Facebook join this really friendly page called tonic tensor tympani syndrome ! Everyone has different symptoms but we are a great support to one another ! X
  4. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Thanks MEMory ! I agree with everything you say ! My right ear has not had an attack in 6 months but it does random single thumps ! Sometimes a couple times an hour but I can live with this I have asked my doctor about muscle relaxants... I am waiting for an answer so shall let you know ...
  5. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Apologies I have been trying to work out how to reply to certain quotes and I am finding it difficult to do it on my IPhone ! Memory I am exactly the same when you mentioned the stop watch I do this and when it gets to 10 minutes I know I am in a safe zone haha !!! I feel the stop watch helps...
  6. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    So back from the hospital... ! Do you know what is so frustrating ! My ear was thumping all morning and stopped an hour before my appointment wtf !!!! Anyways my doctor really wants to see my ear having an attack ! But it’s just not happening ! He has agreed that he will proceed with surgery as...
  7. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    I have never made a connection to diet but I will keep a note of what I eat each day to see to see. If this condition did not affect my sleep I think I could handle it better but the constant waking up is really taking its toll ! Have my doctor appointment tomorrow. Been seeing this guy for...
  8. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Thanks for coming back to me MEMory! There is a facebook page called tonic tensor tympani syndrome are you a member of this ? Its really good and has given me alot of support when I have bad episodes. Like you i can deal with the thumps when they are minutes apart ! I have not had the 15 to 20...
  9. StephAtkings

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Hi Guys, I had to post on here as my symptoms are exactly the same ! My biggest triggers at the moment is burps, if I do a big stretch yawns and hiccups ! In the past I would burp and maybe get a few thumps and that would be it ! Now if I burp I get about 10 to 25 thumps in a row and then an...
  10. StephAtkings

    Middle Ear Myoclonus (Tensor Tympani)

    Hi There, I suffer from middle ear myoclonus and my doctor is trying to sort out tests to see what muscle is going into spasm. I have had this one and off for a few years and its awful. I am so sorry to hear you are also suffering from this. I am on an amazing facebook page called tonic tensor...
  11. StephAtkings

    Middle Ear Myoclonus: A Treatable Cause of Objective Tinnitus

    Hi Sueloe, I am so sorry to hear the surgery did not fix your problem. I also suffer from the ear spasms and I have this in both ears. Surgery has been discussed but he wants to do tests to make sure it is the muscles that are in spasm. How does your ear feel after surgery ? Has there been any...
  12. StephAtkings

    Right Ear Thumping

    Hi There, I have the same problem. It started with random thumps a couple times per day but now it goes into spasms for hours on end and effects both ears. Mine is also set off by a burp or hiccups too ! My ent says it's ear myoclonus. Basically muscle spasm which can be triggered by anxiety...
  13. StephAtkings

    Hi June, I have sent you a private message as it wont let me post any more than 140 characters...

    Hi June, I have sent you a private message as it wont let me post any more than 140 characters on here xx
  14. StephAtkings

    New... Thumping Sensation in Ear

    maybe speak to your doc and give it a try ?? I feel your pain xx