Recent content by stev3po

  1. stev3po

    Tinnitus Began First Week of June 2020 After Wim Hof Breathing

    Hey all, New to this thread, but I've had tinnitus for a year now, and it has gone up and down since I got it. I'm still not sure what caused it but after and MRI, 2 different ENTs, 2 audiograms (which show above average hearing) and countless days of depression and stress, I believe mine was...
  2. stev3po

    Does Anyone Else Get a Tinnitus Spike When They Yawn?

    I get a spike in my left ear, the one that has *less* tinnitus normally, when I yawn. I can't recreate it when I do the physical motions of yawning, it only happens when it's an actual yawn. I sometimes tremble as well when I yawn, particularly in the morning. The noise sounds like a...
  3. stev3po

    Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    I had the Moderna vaccine, first dose last week. I did not notice any spike or change in my tinnitus. Steve
  4. stev3po

    Tinnitus Has Faded, Other Symptoms Persist (Internal Tremors, Sound Sensitivity, Eye Floaters)

    I really hope it has passed to the point of not coming back to the forum... but if you do login, let us know how you're doing! I have had the internal tremors too... particularly in the first few months of the onset of my tinnitus (1 year ago). Mine was getting better at first (maybe...
  5. stev3po

    Is Hyperacusis Linked with Visual Snow?

    I have had T for a year now. Now I have a bunch of floaters if I look at a bright sky, and one dark floater that I can usually see even when it's a little darker. I also have snow, noticeable more in the dark. I've seen an ophthalmologist and they prescribed glasses (although I have 20/20...
  6. stev3po

    Same story here! keep me posted if you find out anything!

    Same story here! keep me posted if you find out anything!
  7. stev3po

    I believe a neti pot caused mine, I used it while I had a cold last Dec 2020. I still have T and...

    I believe a neti pot caused mine, I used it while I had a cold last Dec 2020. I still have T and it has gotten slightly worse. Anyone else had any relief?
  8. stev3po

    Kind of a Success Story — My Tinnitus in Right Ear Stopped, and Decreased in Left Ear

    Do you have a before/ after of your teeth pic? And how much did that cost? I saw a TMJ specialist that said they could help with my T, that I have bad bruxism and misaligned bite. Then they asked for 8k, and I decided to look elsewhere. I also feel visual symptoms as if my ocular muscles are...
  9. stev3po

    Chances of Recovery from Sinus Wash Induced Tinnitus?

    I believe a neti pot caused mine as well. Let me know if you have found any relief. It's been a year for me :/
  10. stev3po

    Tinnitus That's Possibly Related to the Carotid Artery

    I too have neck issues (maybe from previous car accidents?) but my T started a month after I got involved in a serious snowboarding accident. I saw a few chiropractors after seeing 2 ENTs and getting an MRI, they found nothing (other than a vague sense of otosclerosis). Wondering if my neck...
  11. stev3po

    Episode 14: Visual Snow and Tinnitus — Phantom Phenomena

    I have both as well. My VS is mostly when it's dark, but sometimes with patterns as well.
  12. stev3po

    Should I Spend $8,000 for TMJ Treatment (In Hopes of It Helping Tinnitus)?

    I believe they did the tympanometry but I don't think it was abnormal, at least they didn't mention it! What were you thinking? Steve
  13. stev3po

    Should I Spend $8,000 for TMJ Treatment (In Hopes of It Helping Tinnitus)?

    Thanks KWC, appreciate that! It's not bad overall, mostly just hear it when it's quiet. But the fact that it was only left, then both right and left is bothersome. Just trying to rule out things that it could be!
  14. stev3po

    Should I Spend $8,000 for TMJ Treatment (In Hopes of It Helping Tinnitus)?

    Yes, you're absolutely right. I'm just doing what I can.
  15. stev3po

    Should I Spend $8,000 for TMJ Treatment (In Hopes of It Helping Tinnitus)?

    Here's the latest: TL;DR - no mechanical jaw problems found. Professional mouthguard might help. Ophthalmologist didn't see anything wrong with my eyes. Referral to neurologist ---- Saw the oral surgeon who took a 360 xray of my mouth and jaw. The doctor explained to me that there didn't seem...