Recent content by Steveb

  1. Steveb

    Hi, I'm Lisa!

    Thanks so much for the continued support, you guys are great!!!
  2. Steveb

    Hi, I'm Lisa!

    Hi Lisa, Thanks for the post. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get. Mine started two weeks ago and it is really driving me crazy. How did you get through those first weeks and months. I'm having a really hard time.
  3. Steveb

    New to Tinnitus, Glad I Found This Site

    Thanks! I'm hopeful it will resolve, but don't want to get my hopes up too much. Took a Unisom last night and got a decent night sleep which really helps
  4. Steveb

    Sharing My Story to Give Some Hope to Others

    Great post, thank you so much, actually made me cry a little which is something I rarely do. I'm headed to the doc to day to figure what to do about my anxiety and lack of sleep, which is interested as before I read your post those were the two things I really feel like I need immediate help...
  5. Steveb

    New to Tinnitus, Glad I Found This Site

    Hi everyone, it's very helpful that others going through this are willing to share their stories. Thanks you so much. The ringing started for me about two weeks ago, high pitched sort of like crickets or really loud fluorescent lights. Nighttime is the absolute worst, so tough to sleep. Went to...