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  • Does crying/stress induced ringing go away or lessen eventually? Atrocious tonight and feeling pretty desperate.
    I'm sorry you're having a bad night @Strawberryblonde :( Fwiw of all the success stories i've read I would surmise that the rate of recovery is higher for those with stress-induced T vs others
    Unfortunately mine is acoustic induced made worse by noise/antidepressants and seemingly getting worse lately.
    My God the ringing has gotten so loud in a few hours. Can't sleep and it's riding over my masking noises. WTF. Can't handle this. So tired.
    What if you lay in complete silence for a bit?
    @Joe Cuber @Wrfortiscue managed to grab a few hours using a sound app on YouTube. Anxiety is kicking me lately despite powering through with CBT. It'll get better later or tomorrow fingers crossed. Dr's appointment soon but doubt they'll help me much but throw pills at me.
    Scared to make my T anymore worse than it is atm. 4 doses of 25mg of amitriptyline I took in May after a bad depression episode caused by a new tone in the ear unfortunately made my old T louder.
    The morse code ring has now migrated into my right ear. Would love to know what they are trying too tell me with all these maddening beeps.
    high or low freq
    @Marshall high frequency but not overly high or to loud if you know what i mean, just noticable. Its just on and off really quick. Hoping it'll die down soon.
    I get these little sparks/pings that always catch my attention. Literally sounds like a shocking noise
    Anxiety has been pretty much away this past week but developed a ring in my left ear! Can't win with this its either one or the other :-(
    I had T just in my left ear to begin with and then it spread to the right - but now, I can hardly hear it in my right ear because it faded so much. So yours might do too. :)
    I sure hope so :-) cause on top of the eeee and hiss sound I have in both ears, i certainly don't want to accommodate another one rent free!! :-) @Steph1710
    Same. It started in my right ear and now I have it in both. The right is quieter and the left is like morse code.
    Anybody recommend a natural anti anxiety remedy? I wake up sick to my stomach with fear every morning. Wanna keep off pharmaceuticals.
    1st time mix of headphones chronic stress and tmj thrown in among other things, tinnitus was always mild. 2nd time listened to asmr/podcast on headphones during a low point( stupid I know wasn't thinking straight or at all) then amitriptyline ramped it up to a new level + MRI scan noise @tniuf
    The causes you listed for the second time don't sound too bad, I don't see why you wouldn't recover from this. Out timelines and ages are similar. Mine was first in 2016 and second 2022, hope to get some intensity reduction or habituation at some point
    Thanks @tniuf I really need to hear that as it gives me hope. I hold onto it especially during the low times.
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