Recent content by StubbyJ

  1. S

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I've had more setbacks than I can count and have always come back with a higher threshold. Hang in there. At one point in time, my left ear was a combination of a jet engine (as loud as a hair dryer), oscillating tea kettle, scratching brake pads, morse code, and a little guy using a ball peen...
  2. S

    Major Stardom Opportunity — Concert/Show Decibel on Stage

    There are a million variables regarding your stage situation; especially if you are asking proactively with no current hearing damage. Most performers are now going direct to FOH with instruments to keep stage volume down with great results. In many cases, stage dB is lower than what the...
  3. S

    Pulsatile Tinnitus in Certain Positions, Like When Lying Down — Any Insight on My Case?

    Muscles (front/side) of your neck could be a factor. Stretch those bad-boys out. Cheap experiment. My pulsatile tinnitus subsided with notable work on said muscles.
  4. S

    My Tinnitus / Pulsatile Tinnitus / Hyperacusis / TTTS Continue Improving After 5 Years

    An update for those in early onset in complete panic mode... At this point I don't remember timelines and whatnot, but my life is now back to "normal" for the most part sans playing in loud bands. I'm now mowing the lawn and running chainsaws with double hearing protection (custom earplugs and...
  5. S

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I have bi-modal, multi-tone tinnitus that is not somatic. However, I can activate an additional hiss on the right side of my head upon touching my scalp/face (right side only). Touching acts like an immediate on/off switch. The hiss will sustain with continued pressure... I can send myself...
  6. S

    My Tinnitus / Pulsatile Tinnitus / Hyperacusis / TTTS Continue Improving After 5 Years

    I'll be honest, I don't remember. It took about two years for me, maybe longer, I think. At this point I'm 90-95% "cured," with it randomly "activating" at the oddest times. Interestingly, my head/ear needs to be in a certain position for it to spasm. Mostly with human voices.
  7. S

    Lidocaine Injections to the Otic Ganglion (Nervus Trigeminus)

    The more I research/speak to different health care "fields" the more I'm convinced the Vagus nerve has a great deal to do with tinnitus (Vagal tone). Forward head posture (cervical kyphosis) should be at least investigated by all those impacted; especially C1 and 2 where the VN makes its way...
  8. S

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    I wonder if the recent ban has anything to do with it being included in a recent COVID-19 supplement regimen that's floating around?
  9. S

    Tinnitus After Attending a Gig — MRI Found an Acoustic Neuroma

    You stand a very good chance of getting better. In the meantime your fluctuation in tone could be related to tight SCMs (neck muscles). I believe the onset of tinnitus brings on an array of muscular skeletal issues from being tense "24/7." Start looking up videos on Youtube regarding fixing...
  10. S

    Ear Issues After Stupidly Mixing Music with Earbuds

    Fellow musician who had to give up live play and recording due to hyperacusis. You are lucky. My advice, back off for some time as you ears are warning you. In the time away look at physical therapy/strength training for your back and neck. I have no proof other than my own experience, but I do...
  11. S

    Reaching the End of the Road — Hyperacusis Caused by Cancer Treatment (Immunotherapy)

    Not to be too over confident, but you stand a large chance of getting better. Hang in there. I at one time (3 years ago) experienced the hyperacusis "fire" in both ears when the wood floor creaked. Today, I drove at 75 mph with the windows cracked and the radio playing (audio book) at low...
  12. S

    Has Anyone with Hearing Loss Had Their Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Fade or Experience Lowering Volume?

    Common or not, it sure impacted my tinnitus for the worse.
  13. S

    Has Anyone with Hearing Loss Had Their Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Fade or Experience Lowering Volume?

    Mostly cervical and lower back. Yes, I hear just fine in group conversations speech isn't a problem. On loud T days I have have a bit of in issue. My T fluctuates rather greatly from time to time.