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  • Yeah, I can understand your feelings! It is a tough thing to deal with; however there are many people that go on to live a fulfilled life that have tinnitus. Look at it this way; it can be compared to living by a busy highway, or in a big city; eventually your mind gets accustomed to the extra noise. You will be okay in time! Hang in there! I have had this 8 years.
    Want to die I miss silence
    I know exactly how you feel! We are many here that understand what you are going through. Please try and give it some more time. Things might improve, but it can take a long time. PM me if you want to talk. We are here for you <3
    Hello Tara, hope you are feeling better soon. My best advice after living with this condition is to do all you can to take your mind off this. Walks by busy streets, music, movies, good conversation, games, prayer, long showers. Avoid loud noises, to much salt or sugar, no tobacco or alcohol. The sooner you can can refocus your mind on other things; the sooner you will habituate.
    Hey Miss (or Mrs) Lyons. I know you're struggling and I just wanted to say although you probably feel very alone, you're not. I developed T four weeks ago and I also miss the silence. I used to relish it and it seems so cruel to have it taken away. Sending love (even though we don't each other) <3
    Sending love to you too. Any ideas what caused yours? It's a nightmare!
    That's odd lol try starting one with me then! I think you just click my profile name and then there's a "start a conversation" button!
    Still can't figure it out... I'm at work and a coworker is trying to help me and we still can't get it! LOL
    Hey! To respond to messages I think you go to "inbox" at the top right and then click the conversation title and scroll down and there should be a text box!
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