Recent content by Tara721

  1. Tara721

    Enjoying the Silence

    Hi, I have to admit that reading your post had me in tears. Tears because what you described is so much of how I am feeling. My husband, although supportive, just doesn't get it or understand what it's like to constantly have this demon in your head, always screaming and you can't turn it off or...
  2. Tara721

    Mindfulness for Tinnitus Relief

    Recently purchased a book through Amazon about mindfulness. I am not that far into the book yet but so far I really like it, and makes me feel more relaxed just by reading it. If anyone who is thinking of practicing mindfulness this book is worth a try. Full Catastrophe Living (Revised...
  3. Tara721

    Anyone Have Experience with Stapedectomy?

    Before the stapedectomy did you have tinnitus? I'm just curious if this procedure will make my tinnitus worse or make it seem less noticable since my hearing will be better (hopefully)
  4. Tara721

    Anyone Have Experience with Stapedectomy?

    I have otosclerosis and am scheduled for a stapedectomy within the next few months. Wondering if anyone else with this condition has had a stapedectomy and can tell me what their post-op experience was like, and how it effected their T, if it was effected at all.
  5. Tara721

    Meclizine (Postafen, Bonine) Helped a Guy to Cure Tinnitus

    I recently took some bonine during a trip and did notice that my T wasn't as noticeable or bothersome. Could it have been because I was so excited and distracted being on vacation that I didn't have the time to really focus om my T? Maybe. I just took another pill of bonine because my T is...
  6. Tara721

    Having an Awful Past Few Days

    Thank you, Red Thinker. Today I had a better day. I feel like I have to have a really bad day and have a breakdown before I can have a good, somewhat calm day. I try not to focus on my T and think about it. Sometimes I even pretend that my T has disappeared (like when I am in the shower, or...
  7. Tara721

    Having an Awful Past Few Days

    Thanks everyone. I am meeting with a therapist tomorrow to hopefully help control my anxiety. I have otosclerosis which causes hearing loss which causes my T. I also have an appointment this week with an ear surgeon for a possible surgery to improve my hearing, which I am hopeful (but not TOO...
  8. Tara721

    Having an Awful Past Few Days

    No neck or jaw pain for me, thank goodness. Maybe you have TMJ?
  9. Tara721

    Having an Awful Past Few Days

    :nailbiting:Hi All, I've really been having a tough time these last few days. My T seems to be at a constant roar, waking up and going to work is a constant struggle. I am on the verge of tears all day it seems. I feel like I am at a loss right now and can't imagine living the rest of my life...
  10. Tara721

    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    Anyone have any luck with acupuncture? Thinking about giving it a try, nothing to lose at this point. If anything I'm hoping it'll at least help me relax a bit.
  11. Tara721

    Stress and Tinnitus

    I agree with you. I notice that when I am really stressed or overtired my T is much worse. I worked a 16 hour shift earlier in the week and had an awful time trying to fall asleep that night because of my T, which lead my to purchase a sound machine
  12. Tara721

    Hi Stina- I was reading one of your posts under the "positivity thread" and you said something...

    Hi Stina- I was reading one of your posts under the "positivity thread" and you said something that actually helped me a lot last night, you said that when your T gets bad you tell yourself that it's just the fridge working. For the rest of the night I would tell myself that the noise in my head...
  13. Tara721

    Some days are better

    I am commenting on something specific you said..."many people are a lot worse than us", I work in the healthcare field and although some days it is difficult to work with my T, seeing patients that have life threatening illnesses puts things in perspective for me. I am not dying, I can still...
  14. Tara721

    I Am Not Able to Study. Please Help Me.

    Hi Rukhaiya, I feel your pain! I have had T since August of last year and had a BIG very important exam that I took in December. I was worried that while taking the exam my T would get the best of me and I wouldn't be able to concentrate. You just have to try to train yourself to focus on...
  15. Tara721

    Noise Machines for Sleeping

    Thanks everyone! I'll look into all of these :thankyousign: