Tinnitus comes out of nowhere sometimes for no reason and for the most part is here to stay. I never thought in a million years that I would have to live with T. In fact I didn't even know what T was until T happened to me.
If you are new to T and at your wits end and you see no hope or light at the end of this dark crazy tunnel. I would like to tell you that it will get better. Hang in there! Don't give up and let this things beat you! Cling to the things you love and the people you love. Try not to push people away and try every day to do something that you use to love to do. Even if it means taking a ride in the car with the windows down and the radio playing your favorite song.
I remember when I went to the Audiologist the first time when I got T. I can remember how sympathetic he was and I was just so sad and so angry. I can remember him telling me that the body would eventually absorb the sounds and that it would get better with time. How much time was my thought. But he was right and he knew because he too had T and for some reason meeting someone who had T made me feel just a little bit better. It meant that I was not alone.
Today I notice that I don't turn on the back ground noise right away any more. I can get up and have my coffee with caffeine in the morning and quietly do my devotions spending time in the Word with my God. When I walk in my sewing room I no longer turn on the gentle praise radio wanting the music to distract my mind away from the high pitched squeals. I actually sat and sewed for 3 hours in the silence.. just listening to my own thoughts. I think my mind has figured out away for me and my T to coexist! Everyday I thank God for helping me cope with T! I don't know why God has not taken my T away completely.. but I thank Him regardless for giving me the strength to live with T. He is my strength and my strong hold! I am ever so thankful that I am not where I was a year ago.
Be encouraged and if you need someone to talk to.. message me. I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ. I was a believer way before I got the T.