Recent content by TCR

  1. TCR

    Louder Tinnitus When Talking to Someone

    I may have the same experience. When I do a lot of talking I find the T noise (I have a loud, pulsatile hiss in R ear and a buzz in the left) gets louder. the hissing increases until I can barely hear. I think it may have something to do with the neck muscles. If i massage the front neck...
  2. TCR


    Rosemary, I don't know how I missed seeing your reply from July 2017. I was very interested to hear about the surges. I still remember the first time I experienced it. It sounded like a loud bang/crack inside my head. Very scary. Mine come and go. If the surges are bad, I massage the...
  3. TCR


    My name is Teresa and my tinnitus journey started in 1993 when I had an operation on the mastoid bone behind my left ear. It left me with 40% hearing in that ear and a high pitched tinnitus which, over the years has subsided to a buzz (similar to the buzz made by some fluorescent lights). I...