Recent content by tenforce

  1. tenforce

    Can Acoustic Trauma Cause PET (Patulous Eustachian Tube)?

    Hello @Lchops, I'm sorry about what you are experiencing. First and foremost, don't be mad at yourself or blame yourself for making the mistake, it makes it even worse do deal with it, I can tell you! I'm very interested in your special case, since I see myself in a somewhat similar...
  2. tenforce

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    In the meantime, I visited a physical therapist several times. Mostly got my neck and jaw muscles massaged and did exercises that aim at softening and relaxing everything that could be related. Also recently started using a nightly bite guard splint, to loosen up my very tight jaw muscles...
  3. tenforce

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. I was trying a physical therapist, who mostly massaged my neck...

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. I was trying a physical therapist, who mostly massaged my neck and jaw muscles, but in vain. Still horrible clicking, autophony, and hyperacusis. I'll probably look for a psychoth. in order to establish some coping strategies... How about you?
  4. tenforce

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    Hi @Tau, I just caught up on your interesting reports about the treatment and its effects. Very informative! I was wondering how you are doing now? Is the pressure/pain-from-noise symptom still gone? I suffer from it, too, and was also thinking about doing your treatment. But now I'm really...
  5. tenforce

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    Hey @Bry, sorry for the late response. Parts of my symptoms fluctuate from week to week (the feeling of pressure/cloggedness, hyperacusis), with a long annoying streak in the past few weeks including now. The distorted hearing thing is always there, but much more bearable without the rest. In...
  6. tenforce

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    @NYCGuy, @hartstreet, I went to a regular chiropractor, who checked everything, but focused on the cervical. I have never heard about the NUCCA thing, does it even exist in Germany? Compared to Dr. Glass, mine is probably much less sophisticated when it comes to the qualifications. Anyways...
  7. tenforce

    Hey, thanks for asking. Currently it got a bit better, which might be related to a chiropractor...

    Hey, thanks for asking. Currently it got a bit better, which might be related to a chiropractor treatment. (see my main thread)
  8. tenforce

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    I saw the chiropractor again this week, and two days later some of the symptoms (autophony, hyperacusis) became better once again. This is either a big coincidence, a case of placebo, or indeed something with the ear tubes related to the alignment of the neck vertibrea (which were again adjusted...
  9. tenforce

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    In the meanwhile I was at an ENT clinic to do some further tests, like pressure measurement (which was normal), high-frequency audiogram (which turned out to be fine @dbeats), and word recognition in noise (where I performed a bit worse than average). They couldn't tell me anything new, only...
  10. tenforce

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    @Tau, tomorrow is your treatment, right? I wish you all the best! What is the current severity of your symptoms?
  11. tenforce

    Good luck with the ENT. I saw two, but none of them was able to pin down my problem. (Threshold...

    Good luck with the ENT. I saw two, but none of them was able to pin down my problem. (Threshold tests are perfect in my case, too.) I'm actually very interested in your case, especially because you also think about the stem cell secretome treatment. If you start a thread about it, I would be...
  12. tenforce

    I saw you on the stem cell secretome thread, which I'm also super interested in. I have one...

    I saw you on the stem cell secretome thread, which I'm also super interested in. I have one sided hyperaccusis myself since 1 year, and a hard time dealing with it and it is getting worse in a psychological sense. Do you have any recommendations? My hearing is also reduced and distorted, which I...
  13. tenforce

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    @Tau, I'm experiencing exactly the same symptoms you explain, just without the tinnitus... I just hope to get it diagnosed properly, it doesn't seem so easy to find doctors who know the issue. May I ask at at which dB-level you had your ABR that indicated synaptopathy?
  14. tenforce

    Stem Cell Secretome Treatment

    @Tau, does intranasal mean, it will just be put into your nose? Or will they actually inject it into the tissue inside the nose somehow? And will you additionally get a regular injection? Did you ask them about the possibility for a round window delivery, as suggested by the related research on...
  15. tenforce

    Has Anyone Experienced a Transition from Fragile Hyperacusis Ears Back to Durable Normal Ears?

    @GoatSheep, thanks for your interest! Since I don't want to hijack this thread with my case, I've written the results of my ABR in my thread: