Recent content by terry b

  1. terry b

    Tinnitus Killer — Thug Who Killed Wife 'Was Driven to Murder by Tinnitus' Before Committing Suicide
  2. terry b

    Decision Done (I'll Only Wait for Five More Years for a Solution or Treatment to Tinnitus)

    I keep thinking death be the answer but then I was very high up the other day on top of a grain silo (had to take a scarily staircase on the side of the silo up) nothing but scaffold bars as railings .. v scary for someone afraid of heights ... it was at that point I remember thinking (even...
  3. terry b

    Anyone Coping with Prayer?

    there is no god else little children would simply not get cancer
  4. terry b

    Booked In to Have Amalgam Fillings Removed

    anyone else gone under the dentist drill with tinnitus and what was your experience
  5. terry b

    From Bad to Worse

    Tell me about it. No I noticed it almost immediate - it was a series of noises worse in right ear than left ... On top of it I have a series of vibrations happening on both sides .... the vibrations are different on both sides and came with noises too its just a train wreck to be honest...
  6. terry b

    From Bad to Worse

    I put it backwards against my ears and noises erupted ... spoke to an Audiologist who said a lot of people who come to her blame their mobile but thats more talking on the phone rather than the way i got mine......mine is so random
  7. terry b

    From Bad to Worse

    Has this ever happened anyone? I was wearing ear defenders last week and noises that existed in the background when I took them off, moved to the foreground and one was quite loud .... I was doing okay till this point now like so many others feel suicidal ..... if I didnt have a mum that would...
  8. terry b

    Location of Cochlea?

    The only reason I was thinking back was because of this image ....
  9. terry b

    Location of Cochlea?

    cheers @grate_biff yes seen images but confused to its location - assume its at the back of the head not the front
  10. terry b

    Location of Cochlea?

    Might sound bit of a daft question but does anyone know the location of the cochlea ? Is it at the back of the skull ?
  11. terry b

    Dental Works

    hi mate , @dboy hope all is good .... finally looking to go ahead with the filing removal .... scared ha but sod it ... can i just ask when you had yours removed, did you go through all this to have them out
  12. terry b

    Moving Teeth

    Just asked few people to do this and they said there s do too ... Bizzare!!
  13. terry b

    Moving Teeth

    Thanks for reply .. Keen to know off others daft sounds it's related to my tinnitus ... Thanks in advance for replies
  14. terry b

    Moving Teeth

    Hi, might sound like a daft question but its related to my tinnitus!! When I put my upper and lower teeth together (bottom of upper teeth touching upper of bottom teeth) and tilt my head right back, my teeth wont stay still and constantly shift - can I ask others if you do this do your teeth...
  15. terry b

    Do You Believe in God/a Higher Power? Does Prayer Help You Cope?

    Way worth mulling over: God/Jesus is just a form of admiration which can be equalled to being a massive fan of a pop star in modern times.....I respect those that believe but don't believe myself