Recent content by theekarwash

  1. theekarwash

    Some Positive News Regarding Spikes

    Maybe a month or two? I can't really remember, I've tried to get on with my life and forget about T :)
  2. theekarwash

    Some Positive News Regarding Spikes

    Hey guys, It's been a few months since I've posted on here! If you look through my most recent posts, you'll see I suffered from spikes a few months ago. I just wanted to check back in and let you know that the spike is gone, either I got used to the new noise, or it left, at this point I don't...
  3. theekarwash

    Tinnitus Almost Disappears When Pulling on Ear Lobe

    Sorry to bump an old post but I have this too? I'm going through a spike at the moment where my low-frequency tinnitus is much louder than normal. if I pull on my ear closer to the back of my head, the sound goes away.
  4. theekarwash


    Hmm, we'll see anyway!
  5. theekarwash


    From your experience with people you know, are they just not receiving emails back or are they being emailed that they are not being accepted? I'm curious.. The email I received said they'll reply within two weeks if I got through and they haven't in 2 1/2 weeks now..
  6. theekarwash


    I've applied two weeks ago and still haven't received an email back.. I wonder what that means?
  7. theekarwash


    I've had T for two years now. I think I might give it a go!
  8. theekarwash

    App Survey

  9. theekarwash

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    This is really interesting stuff! It's important to stay positive with T and this is something that gives hope to people. I remember when news of Autifony came out, that was what gave me hope which evidently led to me habituating the first time. I know Autifony didn't go quite so well but...
  10. theekarwash

    Let's Talk About Alcohol

    1 UK unit is 1/3 of a pint of lager of 5-6% ABV
  11. theekarwash

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    It was the 1975 in this venue. I was in the tiered seating section!
  12. theekarwash

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    I went to one on Wednesday night, wore musicians ear plugs, tinnitus was fine the next day!
  13. theekarwash

    I Have a Question About New Sounds

    I've found that my new sound is significantly quieter than it was when I originally made this post, hopefully it's improving!
  14. theekarwash

    What Age Are You and How High Can You Hear?

    I'm 21 and 18k is where it cuts off using my Audio Technica ATH M40X headphones on Markku's link.
  15. theekarwash

    My Spike Is Gone

    Great to hear Cristian! I'm really happy to hear you're feeling better! I'm going through a spike at the moment and your post has really helped, so thanks for that. :)