Recent content by Tim Hogan

  1. Tim Hogan

    Wearing Earmuffs to the Dentist for Dental Cleaning

    I just ask to have it done manually. It’s not as efficient as the ultrasonic method, but at least it’s completely silent.
  2. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus for a Week, Maybe from Ear Infection: Can All Antibiotic Ear Drops Make Tinnitus Worse?

    @BTzen, what did you end up going with and did it have any side effects?
  3. Tim Hogan

    Can Ciloxan (Ciprofloxacin) Ear Drops Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    I've had an ear infection for about a month now. I was painfully aware that antibiotics could potentially make it worse, so I waited, hoping it would resolve on its own, but no luck. According to my GP, my ear canal is red and inflamed, and I need antibiotics. As he started listing the options...
  4. Tim Hogan

    Not Coping at All

    Its been 6 Months now and im not coping at all, every day is pure torture. I really don't want to kill myself because there is a lot of potential in my life , but its being ruined by this relentless noise in my head, every month im leaning towards the final solution. They say suicide is when...
  5. Tim Hogan

    Tympanometry Damaged Good Ear?

    Aha a kindred spirit!, i would argue these tests can 100% fuck up for ears, i had minor Tinnitus for a flu, went to get it check out at the ENT, standard tests including Tympanometry + Acoustic Reflex Test, i think the device was a 2 in 1. The Acoustic Reflex Test was incredibly loud when, but...
  6. Tim Hogan

    Do You Know the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    Initial was minor from bad Flu then Catastrophic caused by Acoustic Reflex Test by an ENT.
  7. Tim Hogan

    Please Tell Me It Will Stop

    Im also 23, had Tinnitus for 5 months now, loud, hasnt changed one bit, welcome to hell. I cant tell you if it will go, it either will or it wont. Id say if it lasts longer than 2 weeks its probably permanent.
  8. Tim Hogan

    Are People That Used to Have Super Hearing More Likely to Get Tinnitus?

    I would say yes, since i got my Tinnitus from an Acoustic Reflex Test, which is a routine test, it fucked me up badly, and the only explanation i got was that my ears are maybe more sensitive than others.
  9. Tim Hogan

    Got Tinnitus 2 Months Ago

    Depends on consider normal, if by normal you mean avoiding loud places such as live music, cinema, anything loud, as well as never using headphones, or getting a solid night sleep, being unable to relax for 1 second.... then yes sure why not...
  10. Tim Hogan

    Opened Window because the sound of rain was nice, 10 mins later, HUGE crack of lighting...

    Opened Window because the sound of rain was nice, 10 mins later, HUGE crack of lighting, enjoying massive spike.
  11. Tim Hogan

    The Vent Thread

    Getting home after doing work into a quiet room and realising i have Tinnitus
  12. Tim Hogan

    Insomnia, and Tinnitus, Horrible Combo.

    I used to be a raging insomniac, Tinnitus actually makes me go to sleep earlier (not in a good way) Because its a constant strain on the mind, i get tired easier than i used to, I just want to go to sleep so i dont have to hear it anymore. I think the worst part about Tinnitus is waking up to...
  13. Tim Hogan

    Apple AirPods for Tinnitus Masking

    id imagine there exactly the same as regular earphones only wireless... and disgustingly expensive
  14. Tim Hogan

    What Has Tinnitus Taught You?

    That the Human body is poorly designed
  15. Tim Hogan

    Teen Daughter Gets "Accidental" Relief from Tinnitus

    Whats the specific name of the product she is using?