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  1. Tim Hogan

    Wearing Earmuffs to the Dentist for Dental Cleaning

    I just ask to have it done manually. It’s not as efficient as the ultrasonic method, but at least it’s completely silent.
  2. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus for a Week, Maybe from Ear Infection: Can All Antibiotic Ear Drops Make Tinnitus Worse?

    @BTzen, what did you end up going with and did it have any side effects?
  3. Tim Hogan

    Can Ciloxan (Ciprofloxacin) Ear Drops Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    I've had an ear infection for about a month now. I was painfully aware that antibiotics could potentially make it worse, so I waited, hoping it would resolve on its own, but no luck. According to my GP, my ear canal is red and inflamed, and I need antibiotics. As he started listing the options...
  4. Tim Hogan

    Not Coping at All

    Its been 6 Months now and im not coping at all, every day is pure torture. I really don't want to kill myself because there is a lot of potential in my life , but its being ruined by this relentless noise in my head, every month im leaning towards the final solution. They say suicide is when...
  5. Tim Hogan

    Tympanometry Damaged Good Ear?

    Aha a kindred spirit!, i would argue these tests can 100% fuck up for ears, i had minor Tinnitus for a flu, went to get it check out at the ENT, standard tests including Tympanometry + Acoustic Reflex Test, i think the device was a 2 in 1. The Acoustic Reflex Test was incredibly loud when, but...
  6. Tim Hogan

    Do You Know the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    Initial was minor from bad Flu then Catastrophic caused by Acoustic Reflex Test by an ENT.
  7. Tim Hogan

    Please Tell Me It Will Stop

    Im also 23, had Tinnitus for 5 months now, loud, hasnt changed one bit, welcome to hell. I cant tell you if it will go, it either will or it wont. Id say if it lasts longer than 2 weeks its probably permanent.
  8. Tim Hogan

    Are People That Used to Have Super Hearing More Likely to Get Tinnitus?

    I would say yes, since i got my Tinnitus from an Acoustic Reflex Test, which is a routine test, it fucked me up badly, and the only explanation i got was that my ears are maybe more sensitive than others.
  9. Tim Hogan

    Got Tinnitus 2 Months Ago

    Depends on consider normal, if by normal you mean avoiding loud places such as live music, cinema, anything loud, as well as never using headphones, or getting a solid night sleep, being unable to relax for 1 second.... then yes sure why not...
  10. Tim Hogan

    Opened Window because the sound of rain was nice, 10 mins later, HUGE crack of lighting...

    Opened Window because the sound of rain was nice, 10 mins later, HUGE crack of lighting, enjoying massive spike.
  11. Tim Hogan

    The Vent Thread

    Getting home after doing work into a quiet room and realising i have Tinnitus
  12. Tim Hogan

    Insomnia, and Tinnitus, Horrible Combo.

    I used to be a raging insomniac, Tinnitus actually makes me go to sleep earlier (not in a good way) Because its a constant strain on the mind, i get tired easier than i used to, I just want to go to sleep so i dont have to hear it anymore. I think the worst part about Tinnitus is waking up to...
  13. Tim Hogan

    Apple AirPods for Tinnitus Masking

    id imagine there exactly the same as regular earphones only wireless... and disgustingly expensive
  14. Tim Hogan

    What Has Tinnitus Taught You?

    That the Human body is poorly designed
  15. Tim Hogan

    Teen Daughter Gets "Accidental" Relief from Tinnitus

    Whats the specific name of the product she is using?
  16. Tim Hogan

    URGENT! Could a Few Minutes at 90-100 dB Have Made My Tinnitus Worse? Or Is It Just Anxiety?

    Probably a spike, but then again anything can happen depending on the current state of the ears.
  17. Tim Hogan

    Finally Figured Out What I Actually Got Tinnitus From (Acoustic Reflex Test)

    So for the past 4 Months ive been in disbelief that i got Severe Tinnitus from a Tympanometry which many people say is almost impossible. What it actually was is the Acoustic Reflex Test, what device they used was a 2 in 1 they did both tests at the same time. This is from the Manual they...
  18. Tim Hogan

    Young with Tinnitus

    ul probably be fine cos ur young, sounds minor, just take this as a lesson and dont ruin your ears like most of us have
  19. Tim Hogan

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus THURSDAY, Sept. 22, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- People suffering from chronic ringing in the ears -- called tinnitus -- may find some relief by spraying the hormone...
  20. Tim Hogan

    Can ENTs Actually Look Beyond the Ear Drum?

    Can ENT's routinely use like tiny camera to look past the Ear Drum and give a more detailed analysis on the current state that the ear is in without damaging anything. Obviously this would be pointless many cases, but in my case Tinnitus induced by a Tympanometry, i haven't found a single...
  21. Tim Hogan

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    My Advice is probably antagonistic but i personally would stay the fuck away from a Tympanometry. My case is probably 1 in 1000000, but my Tinnitus was caused BY a Tympanometry, i personally found it to be very loud, enough to make we wince but i bared in as i thought they knew what they were...
  22. Tim Hogan

    About My Tinnitus

    Tinnitus Terminator is a home version of laser therapy aka LLLT (low level laser treatment) unfortunately a scam im not saying it 100% wont work but i don't think theirs a single person out there that has had any results, alot of greedy people prey on Tinnitus because they know people are...
  23. Tim Hogan

    "Eye Tinnitus" aka Visual Snow, oh and Tinnitus

    As my Tinnitus has started to move around my brain recently i seemed to have developed something called "visual snow", pretty much its like your field of view kind of looks like that of a movie screen, like thousands of tiny vibrating dots, after some research it seems that this little joy in...
  24. Tim Hogan

    Tell Me I'm Being Paranoid (Could It Be My PC Screwing Me Over?)

    I've had Tinnitus in my left ear quite dominantly for the past 3 months, the past week ive noticed some noises in my right ear now too. Pretty lame, i always thought "atleast my right ear is ok" but thats now delight is gone It started around the same time i recently i moved my PC from my...
  25. Tim Hogan

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    I've Read that lllt is worthless alone, but combined with rTMS that is was is having results at the moment.
  26. Tim Hogan

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    i can see why, went to the dentist today to get a filling, had local anaesthetic on the same side as my T, that shit went right down, until it wore off ofcourse.
  27. Tim Hogan

    A Close Call?

    Lucky bastard, wish i was given something for my spike, instead i was just told it will settle down, what kind of white noise did u expose yourself to, that caused ur tinnitus?
  28. Tim Hogan

    Can You Help Me "Crack the Code" of Tinnitus Reduction?

    There aren't any drugs that help Tinnitus, only drugs that calm the body down so you don't freak out as much thus perceive it less.
  29. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus Spike After It Seemed to Be Getting Better

    Apparently there are chemicals in the brain that we produce less when are are asleep, the chemical causes more brain activity thus more T, so waking up its at a reduced level, then as the body begins to wake up the chemical is produced again.
  30. Tim Hogan

    TRT in the US?

    Id rather save my money for either a real cure or Acoustic Nueromodulation, i hear that has better results. Therapy is not worth paying for
  31. Tim Hogan

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I got a question regarding this, I've seen the TinnitusClinic in London advertise this, Acoustic CR Neuromodulation treatment, its £4,500. Obviously they know what they are doing. Whats the difference between my doing it myself, and them doing it for me + alot of cash. Are there risks to...
  32. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus for 7 Weeks, Terrified and Suicidal, Only 19 Years Old — Please Help!

    The only peace of mind i get, and you should too, is that they are working on treatments especially in recent years it seems to either reduce it to a place where it doesn't bother you, or cure it. I think the worse frame of mind is to consider it permenant, there are plenty of peolpe who have...
  33. Tim Hogan

    Spike After 2 Years

    Im currently going through a nasty spike 6 weeks counting, its very random from my understanding, some people its a few days-week, others anywhere from 2-3 months to even 6 months
  34. Tim Hogan

    Earplugs: Will They Help or Hurt My Recovery?

    Like the guy said above me, Wear them to avoid noise above 80db, but dont wear them all day otherwise your ears will not get used to sound and the hyperacusis will take longer to sort out.
  35. Tim Hogan

    Does Anyone Find That Exercise Actually Helps?

    I've seen many posts around the web about people talking about how exercise can aggravate, or even cause Tinnitus. Anyone find it actually helps? For me it seems to help, i test it (in moderation because i don't want to jinx it). e.g I'll do 10-20 push ups at a time, stop and listen, and the...
  36. Tim Hogan

    Share How Your Day Is Usually Like for You?

    College but don't really give a shit since i cant focus on anything right now
  37. Tim Hogan

    Share How Your Day Is Usually Like for You?

    -Wake up -Turn on PC -Google "Tinnitus News" - Sad man.jpg cos no cure -Go back to bed and cry. -Repeat.
  38. Tim Hogan

    For Life?

    Unfortunately most cases of Tinnitus is for life, not much we can do apart from grin a bear it and wait until some guy in the next few decades makes a cure, and then pray it works on you.
  39. Tim Hogan

    What's Happening with My Ear — Woke Up with High-Frequency Sound and Ear Fullness

    Its a Tinnitus Spike. Tinnitus is the most random bullshit medical complication out there so half the time it does what it wants, all you can do is try not to panic and wait it out, since you didn't do anything to physically damage your hearing (assuming you wearnt listening to headphones on...
  40. Tim Hogan

    Temporary or Permanent Increase due to Hearing Test / Could a Hearing Test Have Damaged My Ears?

    Its been over a month now since i was given an almighty spike from having a Tympanometry (ear pressure test) from an audiologist. My ENT assured me that in his 20 years he has never heard of a patent having issues since they are usually about 95db max and only for less than 10 seconds. Yet...
  41. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus and Building Muscle?

    How new is it, what does it sound like?
  42. Tim Hogan

    Some Positive News Regarding Spikes

    How long did yours last?
  43. Tim Hogan

    The Tinnitus Clinic — UK

    I was wondering if anyone here has been to "The Tinnitus Clinic" in the UK, to my knowledge its the only place in the world that does more than therapy. Im considering going if my Spike turns permanent as its incredibly intrusive Their main treatment is Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation Has...
  44. Tim Hogan

    Human Hearing Loss Could Be Reversible

    I sure wish Science would hurry up sometimes...
  45. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus Spike Time Frame...

    Its been 2 weeks and 5 days since my Tinnitus spiked from a tympanometry, and im fairly sure i got Hyperacusis from it too It hasn't really changed much.. how long are these things meant to last??, mine seems to be on the long end of them thats for sure I read its not good to over protect your...
  46. Tim Hogan

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Is there anyway to get the AM-101 Injections (UK), or was it stickly a reserved Trial that has stopped? My (New?) Tinnitus is less than a month old and i dont want to wait it out for it to become centralised to my brain. Does the NHS or even private healthcare offer this treatment if you ask?
  47. Tim Hogan

    What I Did to Cure My Tinnitus

    What did your T sound like if u dont mind me asking, High/low Pitch? Could you hear it above everything?
  48. Tim Hogan

    Does Tinnitus Lower in Pitch?

    I can accept (scratch that), tolerate having to live with Tinnitus, but not currently at the pitch its at. I wouldnt call it... loud, or maybe it is i dunno, but the most annoying thing is the pitch, it sounds a few db down from a Dog whistle or something. From experience does it generally...
  49. Tim Hogan

    A Question for the Cured People (If They Are Still Around)

    When did you realise your Tinnitus was gone? Did you wake up one day to silence or did it eventually fade till it was nothing? Just curious as to what to expect if im one of the lucky ones.
  50. Tim Hogan

    How Do I Maximize the Chance of Tinnitus Recovery?

    I'm now on my 3rd week of my tinnitus spike, so far its been a roller coaster. My T is almost different every single day now in pitch/noise, left ear, right ear, brain, there have been days where I hardly notice it and I think I'll be fine, and other days i sit on the verge of suicidal madness...
  51. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus Cured — Then Back

    Yesterday my Tinnitus was really quiet, and i mean 1-2/10, even in a quiet room i could barely hear it only if i went looking for it with my brain. I didn't really do anything apart from try not to think about it, not even acknowledge it. My brain felt different, my ears were hurting at parts...
  52. Tim Hogan

    Temporary or Permanent Increase due to Hearing Test / Could a Hearing Test Have Damaged My Ears?

    Cheers dude, fingers crossed it gets better.
  53. Tim Hogan

    Temporary or Permanent Increase due to Hearing Test / Could a Hearing Test Have Damaged My Ears?

    Hi, thanks for the reply, its always somewhat reassuring to know im not alone, It happened after my vist to the ENT which was on the 29th of June, so a little under 2 weeks, i know this is nothing compared to what some other people had to wait, but when time is a huge factor in my life in terms...
  54. Tim Hogan

    Temporary or Permanent Increase due to Hearing Test / Could a Hearing Test Have Damaged My Ears?

    I had mild/moderate Tinnitus for about 6 months, compared to what it is now i was still living my normal life, and it was just annoying, not unbearable. i only really heard it at night, and even then i could drown it out with my phone playing somethingto sleep, but there some nights i wish i...
  55. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus Worse After Trip to ENT

    How long did it take to go away?, mines been considerably louder/higher for 4 days now and it doesn't sound like it's getting any better
  56. Tim Hogan

    Tinnitus Worse After Trip to ENT

    Ive had Tinnitus for about 6 Months now after a bad cold/flu i got in Janurarry, for a long time it was just a low grumble with some high pitch but then it got worse about a month ago and now it has gotten alot worse from yesterday after my visit to the ENT. My Tinnitus (Before my trip to the...