Recent content by tj99

  1. T

    My Miracle

    I've only posted a few times here but have read a lot. No, my T is not gone but I've read a lot about habituation and never really understood it or even thought it was a good thing. Ive only had T for less than 2 months and when it first started I thought my world was crashing down around me. I...
  2. T

    3 Weeks In

    Do you use masking sounds while you work?
  3. T

    3 Weeks In

    I did look at those before and I pray it gets better. Thanks.
  4. T

    3 Weeks In

    Thanks. I am looking into an alternative to Celexa. Some days I think, this isn't bad at all and other days I want to jump out of my skin.
  5. T

    3 Weeks In

    My t is up over 10k. I have found sounds, one here actually on the audio player that masks it, but sounds that completely mask it make my t seem louder when I stop the masking sound. That may just be a perception thing. I also have the Neuromonics app which has been a lifesaver as far as...
  6. T

    3 Weeks In

    So now I'm 3 weeks into this high pitched ringing hell. I went to an audiologist and my left ear had some loss at 3k. They weren't able to match the ringing because they only go up to 8k. I matched it myself at about 10.5k. Sometimes it seems like mainly left ear ringing. Other times it seems...
  7. T

    Hi Everyone

    Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback. The thing that worries me the most right now is that my main type of work before I was laid off was coding microcontrollers. I changed my direction a little after getting laid off by going back to school to get my degree in software development since no...
  8. T

    Hi Everyone

    Hi all, My tinnitus just started about a week ago. I am a long time musician and have attended many concerts back in the day. I am 56 now. I may have had some very low level tinnitus for a while but after seeing a band at a bar, which did not seem that loud to me, maybe 2 days later a high...