Tom Okay

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  • Having a rough day w. self-blame.I want to be kind to myself but it's hard when I feel I messed up.Going to bed now.Grateful for this space.
    Just came home from some hours spent with an old friend. Felt like T was gone. Now I'm home and T is back kind of loud. Grateful for friends
    A good conversation can do that. Take you out of head for a bit. Love those times.
    Some days I can forget about it for several hours even half days! And then moments later it stresses me out and makes me worry.
    Having a bad day today and it makes me worry a bit – and that makes the day even worse. Let me try to relax a little, okay?
    I wouldn't mind if family members sometimes asked how I'm doing. When I don't complain they think I have been cured? Or maybe afraid to ask.
    If they don't ask and you don't tell, then the resemblance of normalcy is assumed and life goes on. When people ask how I'm doing, my now standard response is "I'm doing".
    Ryan Scott
    Yeah I have isolated myself from my family for weeks at a time and that causes them to make the assumption I am doing better lol. When in reality it's the farthesr thing from the truth.
    I avoid talking with my mum about my T - she always explain me her T and that s no problem living with it
    At music camp for kids. It's all acoustic but I wear ear plugs. It's fine but I'm bit sad to hear loud T on top of the kids' beautiful music
    I'm jealous. I wish I was at a camp. Enjoy!
    Something I have been thinking about. I haven't been to one of my daughter's orchestra concerts since this started. :(
    Will I get just one day without being annoyed with my T? I know asking that question might be counter productive to my wish come true.
    I'm feeling the same today. People say ignore it but mines too loud to ignore at the moment.
    Had a quiet T day being busy with practical matters. Felt great! Now I'm taking a well deserved break and T is very loud!!! (I'll be okay).
    Thinking about you all and wishing you a good night or day, where ever you are. I am having hard days here and hope for better day tomorrow.
    Gone through months of stress and was hoping for a relief but now life is a living nightmare. T on top, of course, and I feel so much worry.
    Got a bad cold two days ago and now I have stuffed and painful ears. T is loud and I can't sleep. Trying to calm myself down. Wish me luck
    Took my tinnitus to the symphony tonight. I wore my musician's earplugs -25 dB and enjoyed most of the concert.
    Tom Okay
    But I got a bit sad by the fact that I could hear my T over the music though. Don't need those extra high pitch violins!!
    So much stress and so many worries in my life at the moment makes it very hard to handle tinnitus also. I'm searching high and low for hope.
    Tom Okay
    Thanks @Joe Cuber for your kind encouragement. I'm looking forward to better days that will come my way.
    Tom Okay
    By the way, @Joe Cuber , I've mastered the beginner's method of solving of the 3x3x3 cube! I'm still pretty slow (1m33s AO100) but it's great fun for me :-)
    My family is compassionate about my troubles but still I try not to bother them too much with complaining. So I'm grateful for this space.
    Aw man my all time favorite band is coming to town this summer. But it's loud electronic music and I'm afraid it would worsen my tinnitus.
    I have had a cold for some days now. Louder than usual T + my hearing seems down a little. I keep asking my family to repeat what they say:)
    Tom, for your information, I donate to the community every single month. And yes, I am very successful. If the stock goes to $40 I would be very happy for my hearing potentially and my pockets. But hearing is wayyy more important to me than money is.
    It's hard not letting bad days bring me down but reading supporting posts here helps a lot. :thankful:
    I wish my T was more predictable. I can have a quiet moment followed by full blast, followed by moderate levels.
    Tom Okay
    And my diet hasn't been the best since my T got worse (eating lots of Halloween candy both before, on and after Halloween :D). Oh well, I can work on how I handle the factors above. So I'm hopeful for many good days to come my way.
    Tom Okay
    I have been noticing that it changes once or twice a day @Joe Cuber . I have yet to be able to find a predictable pattern... so I'm getting used to it being random --- and accepting that.
    They say the only thing predictable about tinnitus is how unpredictable it is. There seems to be no pattern.
    In the middle of the forest there's an unexpected clearing which can only be found by those who have gotten lost. --- Tomas Tranströmer
    I think I have downloaded and subscribed to way too many soundscape apps this month :D I really enjoy listening to them---so $ well spent!
    Really enjoyed biking in the windy autumn weather today. Mostly masked my louder tinnitus. :thumbs up:
    It definitely helps. I'm gonna ride bike for a bit myself I think.
    Spent most of the day in noisy environments (traffic, kids, etc.) and it made me much more tired than usual plus T is pretty annoying.
    I don't want to jinx it but today there were a couple of 30 minute periods where I didn't notice and didn't think about it.
    When I wake up in the morning, it's still the first thing I hear :( On the bright side, I get out of bed real fast to put the kettle on :)
    In the beginning, I always woke up to very light static. I cherished every moment of it until it stopped happening.
    Have had some better days with easier concentration at work & at home. Evenings and nights are tricky for me (major worries and thinking).
    Had a pretty good and optimistic day going about my business at work and visiting family. Now it's bedtime … aaand I'm struggling again.
    Tom Okay
    @Joe Cuber Only a little have I tried with ambient sounds. I don't want to bother my wife and child with the sounds (even if it might help them get to sleep too, I guess, if it's nature sounds). I wonder if it's okay to use earbuds at very low volume.
    I haven't taken sleeping aids yet, but if I start not sleeping decently for a longer time, I should probably get some.
    Tom Okay
    @Steph1710 Yeah, it was really tough last night and in the early morning too. I'm interested in learning getting through the night without freaking myself out.
    @Tom Okay The nighttime used to distress me too. I found that just playing a rain sound on my phone at low level really helped. It does get easier - I promise. As the months go by, your reaction to the sound changes and it doesn't upset you as much. x
    Changed my username from coffee_and_tea to @Tom Okay because I'll be okay. I might not be quite okay right now, but I'll be okay.
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