Recent content by Tommi_boi

  1. Tommi_boi

    Episode 18: Tinnitus Realities — Steve and Sean

    I haven't logged in here for such a long time but I wanted to show my support for the Tinnitus Talk Podcast. I listened to the first episode and really enjoyed it. Great job guys.
  2. Tommi_boi

    Siren at 60 Feet

    I got caught by an ambulance once as I stood next to it . I think it did do some kind of auditory damage as I caught some sound sensitivity out of it. Plugging your ears does work though as I do this and I haven't had any issues since.
  3. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    Hi Will, Medicine induced is one type of Tinnitus I havent yet had, but apparently you need a lot of medicine for it to actually do permanent damage to your system. Even things like paracetamol and ibuprofen is supposed to "irritate" the auditory system. It's the ones that end in "mycin"...
  4. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    So for me, I had tinnitus for a few months. Then it got better. All in all, it's amazing what the human body can come back from. I'd say I'm 95% better from this. How you getting along ?
  5. Tommi_boi

    Living This Nightmare for Two Months Now...

    Howdy, just my two cents (or pence, coming from the UK!). I agree with what all the others say, early days and try not to listen out for it. I remember when I had this (used to play in bands) I used to obsess about it. I first injured my hearing and then I had a static TV sound followed by...
  6. Tommi_boi

    Football Match

    I went to one this weekend, put the plugs in when it got a bit too loud but on the whole feel like I came out unscathed. You can white list football matches for my part
  7. Tommi_boi

    Flying with Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    I have a girlfriend in Australia while I live live in the UK. For those who are wary of flying here is what I did (p.s I suffered from acoustic noise injury, still have sound sensitivity). I flew 22 hours. During that time I gave my ears some time to get used to cruising in flight for an hour...
  8. Tommi_boi

    Fire Alarms. Not Worth My Worry.

    It probably also tells you that over time your ears are on the mend ;) , congrats!
  9. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis Gets Better

    Congrats! I believe H is more phycological , the brain goes into "defensive mode" when it percieevs sounds as a threat. If you expose yourself to every day noise slowly and gently, for a lot of people you can make some good recovery in a year. I used to have some real sound sensitivity but I'm...
  10. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Ahh I see, well yours is a little different to mine then, as mine was noise induced hearing damage. I caught static noise from playing in a band with no earplugs for a year. I noticed that something was wrong as my ears were muffled and I had a static noise for like three months (something...
  11. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Sounds like you are very similar to me :). Sounds were more noticeable, definitely . So I think you have what I have, mild sensitvitity. The good news is that this is not hyperacusis (you would know if this is hyperacusis - ear pain!) . If you are only four months in , the future is bright...
  12. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis or Paying Attention to Higher Frequencies

    Hi Chris, I think you have what I had and you are in the earlier stages of it. I used to hear higher frequencies a lot (people's money clinking, car brakes e.t.c.). Like you I didn't have any hearing loss and I also don't have tinnitus. I think what you tereforet have is hearing sensitivity...
  13. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis for 4 Months — Can It Still Get Better Without Treating It?

    It can take longer than 4 months yes, the trick is to play it by ear (see what I did there) and not think about it. Expose yourself to sound sensibly and do not gocrazy with it such as concerts and stuff. I caught hearing sensitivity after an ambulance blasted its sirens practically right...
  14. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    You wear ear plugs on the tube?
  15. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    I'm in North London. you?