I‘m working too much at the moment, sleep just a little, must aquire some new jobs, the last four much I just couldn‘t.
My brain is very burned out, I also forget or can‘t keep some stuff in my memory.
Shit, I hope you find very quickly a place somewhere with nice people where you can rest and relax! Why is the world so chaotic and cold in such situations when you need exactly the opposite?
No ENT could find the cause of it, maybe it‘s an odd behavior due my inner ear hearing loss, which does trigger some weird behavior.
How is your condition?
yes, it seem so, but this is more a conductive problem, something with pressure, if I clear it up, more decibel is coming in, but it doesn‘t last long and the ENT can‘t see and measure anything…
But if I equalize the pressure, I hear it 2-3 times crakling…
So there is something in the middle ear…
Sometimes, pressure in the ear is a little better, but it doesn't last long. If pressure is less, the T is more present.
And I guess, left I have bigger hearing loss... all in all, it's a big mess and I never feel good since this event happend.
Absolutely weird.
ok, I see, they are interested in black money...ohh man, I wish I could help in a way, this really sucks.
My business is also very poor at the moment, the last 4 monthes I wasn't able to aquire some well projects, I am just
hollowed out... feel sometimes like a hull of a inexistent person...
My ears are doing crazy... I feel, that I get everyday less happy in my life...My quality of life is very impacted, but I don't have
to tell you this, you are in a far more difficult situation with all additional problems like finding a room and and and ...
Why didn't you get a contract? I...
But do you still have contact to your ex-gf? I hope she is helping you a bit. It shouldn't be 0 or 1 in your situation.
I would feel very bad, let you with all this things alone. I hope you still can talk with her.
Hi, how are you doing?
I really hope you could arrange things to the better for you.
My ears still doing crazy stuff.
Pressure is a little less, instead tinnitus far louder and thing just sound very strange sometimes.
My nerves are really at the end.
Overnight, after nearly four months of ear fullness, my condition improved by about 80%! I didn't do anything specific. The evening before, the ear fullness was at its maximum level. I hope it stays this way or continues to improve.
Very strange.
Hi Matt,
How are you doing with your ear fullness and pressure?
I’m still dealing with it—sometimes it’s worse, sometimes a little better, but it’s always there.
I just remembered my setback from February 2014 yesterday, and at that time, I had similar symptoms. It also came to mind that...
Let’s hope it is MOG1 for SNHL.
I don’t fully understand what MOG1 is for. Is it related to a genetic inner ear issue, or is it for an acquired form of hearing loss, such as noise-induced or sudden hearing loss?