Recent content by Tony Phylactou

  1. T

    Is Cortexi a Scam or Can It Help Tinnitus? → Share Your Experience

    When they give you 10 minutes to decide before they remove it, you can be sure it is a scam. If it was real, there would be no time limit to buy it.
  2. T

    My Tinnitus Shut Off Technique

    It does not work for me.
  3. T

    2 Months Later, My Tinnitus Is Nearly Gone

    You must be young. Young people usually get over it quicker and easier but for us older people it just lingers on. Well done.
  4. T

    Tap Water Causing a Spike?

    With me, I believe it is not the quality of the water we drink but the quantity. If I drink too much, it spikes my tinnitus for days. And when I slow down on the water, my tinnitus quietens.
  5. T

    Synapse XT Tinnitus Supplements Are a SCAM — Fake Science and Fake Stories of a Deceased Doctor!

    I am also convinced that this is a scam but, out of curiosity, has anybody here actually tried this and if so, what are your experiences?
  6. T

    A REAL Tinnitus Success Story as Told to Me by a Relative (Not Clickbait!)

    My son, my brother, my brother in law and a cousin all had tinnitus for years. Now they are all ok.
  7. T

    NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) Cured My Tinnitus

    I am a bit skeptical about that. Nobody else has ever mentioned it. Are there any side effects?
  8. T

    High Uric Acid Level and Tinnitus

    In my case what increases my uric acid is fructose. When I stop having it for a few days, my tinnitus goes very low.
  9. T

    Binaural Beats CURED My Tinnitus

    Video unavailable.
  10. T

    Silence After 4.5 Years (Medications from Company Called Decola)

    What about live yogurt and kefir? They are full of probiotics. Has anyone tried them?
  11. T

    Tinnitus Dropped to Nothing

    Temporary tinnitus. It goes away in no time.
  12. T

    My Success Story — Stress/Burnout Related Tinnitus

    So happy for you. Just one question. Did it go away after the first massage? If not, after how many sessions did it go away? Thanks.
  13. T

    My Tinnitus Went Away! It Does Go Away

    When your ears get full of wax you get Temporary Tinnitus which goes away after you have them cleaned. Heard many stories like this one.
  14. T

    Doing nothing.One had it for 5 years one day just went away.Another complaining for years saw...

    Doing nothing.One had it for 5 years one day just went away.Another complaining for years saw him recently he said he is fine.