Recent content by TracyJS

  1. TracyJS

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    Let me clarify: you don’t get to decide for other people. Of course, you can think or feel what you want about yourself or others. But you are not an authority on anyone else’s experience but your own. To present otherwise is absurd. And when combined with judgment and ridicule, it is simply cruel.
  2. TracyJS

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    Exactly! That was my point. I don’t need to gain perspective. I’m very clear. You don’t get to decide what category of pain and suffering is real or valid and which is to be dismissed or, worse yet, ridiculed. You so give yourself away with that crybaby comment. I think people who have...
  3. TracyJS

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    Would you say that to someone suffering from another kind of chronic severe pain condition? Your comment is ignorant, cruel, shaming, and stunningly arrogant. Please share your wisdom somewhere else. Maybe visit your local hospital. Look for those most in pain and tell them they are “feeling...
  4. TracyJS

    Are Earmuffs Useless Because of Bone Conduction?

    This is exactly what caused my acoustic trauma and severe tinnitus. I knew nothing about tinnitus or hyperacusis. I didn’t even know they existed when I moved in, so I didn’t know the dangers of having a fire alarm on your living room wall connected to the entire building. It went off one day...
  5. TracyJS

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    I can’t comment on whether @Travis Henry has abused benzodiazepines or has taken them as prescribed by his doctor, but I think the distinction is important. Most people who are prescribed benzodiazepines by their doctor for legitimate medical reasons take them only as prescribed. If they...
  6. TracyJS

    Trigger Warning: My Friend's Husband Killed Her and Himself Because of His Severe Tinnitus

    You give yourself away with “a little bit of ringing...” People who have excruciating, tortuous, debilitatingly severe tinnitus are not experiencing a “little bit of ringing”. Would you characterize Parkinson’s as a little bit of shaking or debilitating migraines as a little headache? So...
  7. TracyJS

    2024 US Presidential Election

    After all these many years I still can’t fathom how anyone can look at or listen to Trump and not see what a severely compromised human being he is. Truly a malignant narcissist. If you are his sycophant and provide him with a continual supply of adoration (his drug of choice) you are good. If...
  8. TracyJS

    2024 US Presidential Election

    Oh my God.
  9. TracyJS


  10. TracyJS

    I’m so very sorry you lost your precious cat. Heartbreaking.

    I’m so very sorry you lost your precious cat. Heartbreaking.
  11. TracyJS


    Hi Dave. Yes, much suffering. I wish for such a hug as well. ❤️❤️ Tracy
  12. TracyJS

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    This is too harsh and critical even if the intentions are good. Understanding, empathy and encouragement are much more helpful.
  13. TracyJS


    Please leave this thread. People are suffering greatly and are in terrible pain. They deserve compassion, not shaming and blaming.
  14. TracyJS

    Favourite Song Lyrics

    Nothing lasts forever And your best efforts don’t always pay Sometimes you get sick and you don’t get better Life is short even in its longest day ~John Mellencamp