Recent content by trft2

  1. trft2

    Can Sugar Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I'm new. I think this is where I'm supposed to post. It's regarding blood sugar. Like the fool I am, yesterday I went out and bought a bunch of different candy, ate a bunch, and went back for a rest with white noie. 15 minutes later I get up and my blood sugar is as bad as it has been for a few...
  2. trft2

    Tinnitus Been Getting Worse for a Year (No Reason)

    I didn’t look at all the responses. I do have one question. Did your tinnitus get worse in jumps as opposed to a steady increase?
  3. trft2

    Introduction from a Lifelong Member of Tinnitus

    I don't know. But first thank you. I have to admit my first reaction was a little chuckle. Yeah, I'm with you on the unsubscribe. First, I'd should be up front. I have rarely participated in talking or thinking about tinnitus. It's like I got a huge bad prejudice to the issue. Second, as...
  4. trft2

    ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Reviews and Experiences

    It's the cart before the horse. Without subjecting research subjects unduly, you need to identify more broadly over different frequencies and amplitude and duration, how much sound at a given frequency and amplitude is easily, or less easily, or not easily handled. If you can create an...
  5. trft2

    4 Months Into Tinnitus That Started Out of the Blue One Morning

    Wow, I think you'll do pretty good. If you can kick coffee and alcohol and get into relaxation therapy that's a darn good way to go about the business of tinnitus. Certainly wish you the best of luck. I don't know what a sleep tracker is, sounds neat. No prescriptions is ideal. I think you said...
  6. trft2

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy Is Ineffective, Latest Study Finds

    I hated the TRT which I started following with lots of hope in 2002. I remember it was two doctors out of John Hopkins that moved on to Emory. As I remember one of the two had a picture of himself next to a big boat. At that time I was prescribed valuium/diazepam for my tinnitus when it got real...
  7. trft2

    Introduction from a Lifelong Member of Tinnitus

    Hi, I'm just over 70 and a lifelong member of tinnitus. I definitely remember it from when I was an altar boy. It wasn't a problem. It was just this slight sound, always the same, that would come and go. Honest to God, I thought maybe it was God. I thought I had a vocation. It became a contest...