Recent content by tylerpoor73

  1. tylerpoor73

    New to Tinnitus — Possible Causes: Hearing Loss, Wim Hof Method, Stimulants (Adderall)

    Hi @OptimistWarrior! So actually, I eventually habituated to my tinnitus symptoms in only a few months. Now it's only a slight annoyance and I only ever hear it anymore in my left ear when I am in a really quiet environment or if for some reason I am having awful anxiety. Other than that, it's...
  2. tylerpoor73

    Bad Tinnitus Flare Up — Possible Reasons: Stopped Smoking Marijuana Cold Turkey / Stress?

    My tinnitus also flared up pretty bad after starting Prednisone and some antibiotic for a really bad cold. My tinnitus got bad pretty quickly after the first dose so I immediately quit taking them. It's been bad for like 4 days since but I think I'm starting to habituate. How are you doing?
  3. tylerpoor73

    New to Tinnitus — Possible Causes: Hearing Loss, Wim Hof Method, Stimulants (Adderall)

    Thank you for you kind reply. Do you have any advice, or can you direct me to the best way to find what my tinnitus frequency is? And what's the point of knowing it? Can it help to play this frequency back to myself or what?
  4. tylerpoor73

    4 Years Later, Tinnitus Recently Got Worse, Desperate for Help — Possible ETD?

    Hi. I hope you are doing well. I don't have any answers as I am new to tinnitus. Just wondering if things have gotten any better for you? Best wishes.
  5. tylerpoor73

    New to Tinnitus — Possible Causes: Hearing Loss, Wim Hof Method, Stimulants (Adderall)

    Hi everyone! I've been following Tinnitus Talk for a few months now since I developed tinnitus and decided after a spike to finally post here. It's very nice this resource exists and has given me strength knowing I am not alone in this struggle. My tinnitus developed about two or three hours...