Recent content by Val ZeeBee

  1. Val ZeeBee

    Smart Phone Hearing Aids

    Thanks, but that hasn’t been my experience. I am able to change the volume of Stream Boost any way I want. I can change the hearing aid as well as the masking sounds. Still a mystery to me. ~Val
  2. Val ZeeBee

    Smart Phone Hearing Aids

    Very interesting information. Let me know what your new audiologist says about Stream Boost. My audiologist had to experiment with my settings several times until I was satisfied. It’s programmed to react to the background noise. I am due for an appointment soon. ~Val
  3. Val ZeeBee

    Smart Phone Hearing Aids

    Hi Ambassador, I read the article but it’s still not clear what the difference is between “normal” and “Stream Boost.” I tried to use Steam Boost today for Relax App and it was too intense for me. I changed it back to “Normal.” I will try the Widex app. Thanks! Val ZeeBee
  4. Val ZeeBee

    Smart Phone Hearing Aids

    I have Starkey Hearing Aids paired with my iPhone. I like the Starkey Relax App masking sounds for my tinnitus. I use the True-Link App to control the volume of my hearing aids. Here’s my question: The True-Link App can be set on “Normal” or “Stream Boost.” I don’t understand the difference...
  5. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi Emelie, Good luck with your decision. My T goes between 3/10 to 6/10. It spikes when there is a big weather change. As long as the weather stays constant the T stays around 3/10. I can live with that as long as I use masking sounds. ~Val
  6. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi Emelie, My T started during the time I had a severe abscess in the wisdom tooth under my ear. The antibiotic came a few days before T. It could have been a coincidence, or it could have triggered my T. I have hearing loss in the same frequency as the T ringing. My ringing is about level 4...
  7. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    I am going to be thinking about the success of your implant in February. It is not a long time off if you imagine yourself back to health again and having a less stressful life. I thank you again for talking to me on this forum. ~Val
  8. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Thank you so much for your encouragement and for all the information you have imparted. I have resigned myself, day by day, to accept my situation. Are you a Christian? I know that God guides us in all decisions. I hope you don’t mind, Anima, if I offer thoughts and prayers for you to...
  9. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Thank you, Anima, for your advice. Yes, I have had many ENT visits, Audiology tests, and went to a TMJ (TMD) specialist. None of them could find a specific cause for my T except speculating about my slight hearing loss in the upper ranges. I use a hearing aid for the hearing loss that also has...
  10. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Billie48- WOW - your story is amazing!!!!!
  11. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hi Anima, I was using penicillin during the time I had the abscess and was developing tinnitus. It was a high ringing and sometimes a lower hissing (like steam). I still have the T but I use masking sounds to help me out. I also had HYPERACUSIS but I think that is getting better now.
  12. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Thanks to both of you. I look forward to hearing about your experiences with T as well. ~Val
  13. Val ZeeBee

    Tinnitus After Tooth Infection

    Hello my fellow T talkers. I developed T during the time I had a severe infection in my tooth. It was an impacted wisdom tooth, the last tooth under the right ear. I’ve had T for 8 months now. I am coping well with hearing aids that have masking sounds. I thank God I found a solution that...