Recent content by Valentin

  1. Valentin

    Tinnitus & The Body: Take the Survey

  2. Valentin

    MDMA (a Component of Ecstacy) Potential for the Treatment of Tinnitus

    That's what we like to think but it rarely is the case.
  3. Valentin

    60-70% Tinnitus Reduction After Lidocaine Trigger Point Injection

    Spoiler alert : chinese study...
  4. Valentin

    Too Loud Silence?

    No, it'll come and go, sometimes you won't have one for month and at other times you'll have several a day. If i didn't have tinnitus i'd even find fleeting T amusing and very interesting to experience.
  5. Valentin

    One Year Anniversary — "Gifted" with a New Sound

    One hypothesis : more neurons are activated/bursting creating this new sound. Tinnitus is a condition that has an never ending changing effect on brain plasticity as seen in FMRI scans.
  6. Valentin

    Too Loud Silence?

    Fleeting T, totally benign, it also happens to non T people.
  7. Valentin

    New Member, Also Have Visual Snow Syndrome

    I had visual snow at least a decade before having tinnitus.
  8. Valentin

    Take Part in the COMIT'ID Study

    I have also sent en email to register to the study, let's see if it'll pass through their spam filter.
  9. Valentin

    Is There a Way to Limit the Volume of the Sounds Made By My PC?

    These filters aren't part of any software as far as i know
  10. Valentin

    Is There a Way to Limit the Volume of the Sounds Made By My PC?

    I'm using ffdshow filters both for video and audio, one very useful feature in the audio section is to remove low frequency up to 300hz from all channels and adjust gain. That way, voices are intelligible and shotguns, accidents etc are not bothersome anymore.
  11. Valentin

    Do You Support Drug Legalisation?

    Until i reached my twenties i used to think (illicit) drugs were for shmugs however it's been 15 years that i believe they should be legalized and studied, having moved 9 years ago in the worst part of the world to do drugs i see this issue being a more pressing matter than ever, lengthy prison...
  12. Valentin

    Tinnitus — Part Deaf After Masturbation?!

    it's called fleeting tinnitus nothing worry about.
  13. Valentin

    Android Emulator for Windows 7?

    andy os
  14. Valentin

    The Prednisone Blues

    Normal behaviour, neurons are simply firing in another range/pattern etc