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  • Let's enjoy while we can hear good music. Yes we can have as many things as we'd like to, I hope to think. If you're frightened, tell us.
    I'm getting up at 5:30 every day. Very funny because I don't set my alarm on.
    I used to be a lazy one to get up but now one I awake, my mind is acute and I really don't want to spend time in my bedroom. I do read many books and cooks and study; I have many things to do next day and next day... It seems that these states of mind affect us, thus getting up early.
    I haven't woken up to my alarm in 9 months.
    How are you doing, people?
    Vincent R
    Trying to adjust to have T + H as my existential gravity center. What kind of angle is needed to give this story a happy end, or even a meaning along the way? Reinventing myself to that extent may be impossible.
    I'm trying to feel the sound just the way it is. Consciously listen to it; do you feel the difference?
    I think that may help to break its connection with fear, but in my experience, you shouldn't be doing it for too long. It GETS scary and stressfull after a certain time, no matter what LOL. You can try the -Back to silence- method. I've heard it is very effective for a faster habituation. I also want to try it, but don't have time to take note of my feelings at the moment.
    Suffering from a severe hyperacusis and a nervous breakdown caused by it.
    Do you just have H. or in combination with T?
    My tinnitus is not there most of the time and it's only temporary. Never thought it affects me much. I mostly suffer from hyperacusis only.
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