Recent content by Vinnitus

  1. Vinnitus

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    I just logged on here and saw a few fellow members recently passed away. I am extremely saddened to hear this and wish a lot of strength to the families left behind.
  2. Vinnitus

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Just FYI; Luxturna received FDA approval in December 2017. Great progress is being made. ;)
  3. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    Yes, I strongly believe restoring inputs is the best way forward in Tinnitus reduction. I came across an excerpt of text today which reaffirms my beliefs. Restoring electrical...
  4. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    It would be interesting to see if restoration of auditory input to the brain will bring down the tinnitus perception. If the brain is truly plastic in the sense that it can adapt to changes, it would be reasonable to expect it can at least reorganize it's circuits once again, calm down the...
  5. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    Let me be clear in saying that I don't exclude an issue in the brain as a consequence of hidden hearing loss (or any type of sensory/hearing loss). The brain appears to respond to a loss of (in this case auditory) input and has some compensatory mechanisms in order to maintain homeostasis (or...
  6. Vinnitus

    My Ears Are Popping/Crackling

    I know what you mean. I guess I have developed the same "technique". I use a certain muscle and it brings relief for a very short time. Well, I think it is remarkable that middle-ear or ETD-like issues appear to happen at the same time as the Tinnitus and/or hearing loss as a result of...
  7. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    I wonder on what basis you think it is a meme. Research has been done by Charles M. Liberman on this subject and a loss of cochlear synapses has been demonstrated as a result of excessive noise exposure. Possibly so, I'm not saying your ETD could not be the reason for your hearing issues. ETD...
  8. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    I'm afraid you're misunderstanding the complexity of the hearing organ. A sine sweep is an even more crude measurement than an audiometric test, because it has some issues. From the top of my head I name a few; A sine sweep is used on a certain volume (loudness), so it only tests your hearing...
  9. Vinnitus

    Stop Telling Me to Live with It or Habituate

    You might still have hearing loss. Current audiometric measures are way too crude to accurately report on such a delicate and detailed organ as the cochlea. Did you know about "hidden hearing loss" (hidden, because it doesn't appear on audiometric tests) before, for instance? It's where your...
  10. Vinnitus

    My Ears Are Popping/Crackling

    Sounds familiar. My ears have been popping for 1.5 years now since I went to a concert. It never cleared up totally, but seems to cycle between almost gone to pretty bad periodically. My Tinnitus seems related to it as well. When my Tinnitus is at it's worst, a lot of ear popping and pressure...
  11. Vinnitus

    'The Noise Got Too Loud, Sorry' — Christopher Neile, 57, Killed Himself Waiting to Go to Dignitas

    With this point I agree. Actually that should be common sense and a recommendation to both people with and without Tinnitus. A completely stressless life is however impossible (we actually need stress), but one can try to keep it within healthy sensible ranges.
  12. Vinnitus

    'The Noise Got Too Loud, Sorry' — Christopher Neile, 57, Killed Himself Waiting to Go to Dignitas

    I disagree. Tinnitus alone can be all that's needed for a person to consider this act (heck, people even commit suicide for lesser reasons than Tinnitus). I know it turned me around when I acquired it. The rest of my life was totally fine before having this condition. I turned from a happy...
  13. Vinnitus

    Will Sedley's 2016 Tinnitus Research Highlights

    Not sure if this has been posted. I could not find it when performing a quick search here, but I unfortunately do not have the time to search thoroughly. My apologies if this has been posted already. This is about Will Sedley's research and his view on the current state of affairs.
  14. Vinnitus

    I Think I Just Hurt My Ear with a Phone

    The research here: suggests that the middle ear muscle reflex might be an indicator for cochlear neuropathy. This seems to be in line with what I've been thinking for quite some time; middle ear issues can be brought on by cochlear issues. It is all...
  15. Vinnitus

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Went Away Completely in 2010 (No Habituation)

    Hello Greg, It indeed might be any of those things. Grinding your teeth is however a sign of (subconscious) stress. The insidious side of this kind of stress is that you might not consciously feel stressed (it has become your new "normal"), but when you are asleep and not noticing, it manifests...