Thank you!
What exactly happened because of me mishandling the dropper? The dropper sucked air out of the ear canal after being released? Is this similar to removing an earplug quickly? I have been reading so much about the kiss of deaf which also creates suction and so on that I cannot stop...
Thank you both! The feeling of dullness is a bit better but has not subsided completely.
@dan I have to say I was not aware that I could do wrong here. Does no one ever put the dropper at the entry of the ear canal directly? I have always done it myself and letting the drops fall from a height...
I have been using olive oil drops to soften my earwax for the last few weeks without any problems. Today a terrible thing happened.
I usually put the dropper into the entry of my ear canal to not let the drops miss the ear canal and then push the plastic tip. Is that wrong? I did the same...