Recent content by Wolfka

  1. Wolfka

    Cilcare's CIL001 Targets Cochlear Synaptopathy — An American/French Collaboration

    From what I gathered from their site, Phase 2a hasn’t started yet.
  2. Wolfka

    AudioCure AC102 to Treat Hearing loss and Tinnitus

    Even if AC102 cannot help us, it will benefit others in the future. Maybe it will also prove useful for hair cell restoration and tinnitus.
  3. Wolfka

    AudioCure AC102 to Treat Hearing loss and Tinnitus

    Almost a year later after the last post :) This really keeps me hopeful.
  4. Wolfka

    I wish everyone a silent year 2025 ❤️

    I wish everyone a silent year 2025 ❤️
  5. Wolfka

    Last few months I was stressing about losing hearing in my right ear. It turned out that my...

    Last few months I was stressing about losing hearing in my right ear. It turned out that my hearing is fine, but my headset is broken...
  6. Wolfka

    Yes, because its linked to limbic system of our body (fight or flight/rest and digest reaction)...

    Yes, because its linked to limbic system of our body (fight or flight/rest and digest reaction). The more stressed you are, the louder tinnitus usually is. When you calm down and become happier, you body will finally go to rest and digest mode and when T is perceived as harmless it will be softer
  7. Wolfka

    Thank you @BrOKeN_1 for flying tips ❤️ my ears are absolutely fine after landing

    Thank you @BrOKeN_1 for flying tips ❤️ my ears are absolutely fine after landing
  8. Wolfka

    Thank you, I plan to chew on chewing gum and use nasal spray

    Thank you, I plan to chew on chewing gum and use nasal spray
  9. Wolfka

    Kinda scared from flying with ETD. I can blow my ears, but I still feel uneasy about it. My T is...

    Kinda scared from flying with ETD. I can blow my ears, but I still feel uneasy about it. My T is non reactive so that would be fine
  10. Wolfka

    Still hoping for silence to come back. In my case its more stress=more ringing :)

    Still hoping for silence to come back. In my case its more stress=more ringing :)
  11. Wolfka

    Silence is gone, its ringing again, hoping it will go quieter again

    Silence is gone, its ringing again, hoping it will go quieter again
  12. Wolfka

    @Juliane it took like 4 months, but sadly ringing is back. But it was a nice relief. My tinnitus...

    @Juliane it took like 4 months, but sadly ringing is back. But it was a nice relief. My tinnitus is mild/moderate
  13. Wolfka

    For last week, I couldn’t hear any ringing. Except a REALLY faint one and only when I’m looking...

    For last week, I couldn’t hear any ringing. Except a REALLY faint one and only when I’m looking for it. I hope it’s a new normal for me.
  14. Wolfka

    @Juliane I’m really Active during day, so in the evening I’m tired. Also during college I...

    @Juliane I’m really Active during day, so in the evening I’m tired. Also during college I learned how to sleep even if there was a party in next room. This is kinda similar, but party is in my ear. Only noise in room is air cleaner which makes silent white noise. But its not running every night
  15. Wolfka

    Your life will be joyful again ❤️. What helped me a lot was calming my lymbic system by using...

    Your life will be joyful again ❤️. What helped me a lot was calming my lymbic system by using Back to Silence method. Maybe it can help you too?