Recent content by yeahm

  1. Y

    Ears Feel Strange After I Dropped Full Plastic Water Bottle

    I know that compared to a glass shattering this might sound less of a problem. But this is no joke. My ears are worse than in the last few weeks. And the boom sound was loud and I was worried immediately. I try to calm down. I hesitate to throw the bottle again at this point because who knows...
  2. Y

    Ears Feel Strange After I Dropped Full Plastic Water Bottle

    I dropped a big full plastic bottle of water on concrete floor from some height and now my ears are acting up. The bottle is 3 lb and it dropped from a height of 5 feet. It made a loud low boom and the bottle bounced back from the ground twice. I am glad that it was no glass bottle but it was...
  3. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    Just an update: Trying to stay calm and forget about it but it's easier said than done. T still louder but I could get a few hours of sleep. Two biggest challenges: still trying to figure out how loud it was replaying the situation in my head trying to remember the sound and fearing that I have...
  4. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    I have calmed down the last few hours but it still has been loud. I was in panic about 10 hours ago but since then I have just been thinking and trying to figure out what to do. And worst of all it seems to get worse rather than better.
  5. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    Again, thank you all!!!! This forum really saves lives. I feel like I cant win in this situation: If I go and get Prednisone I might do harm because it was not warranted or because of side effects. If I do nothing I am scared to regret to not having takenthe Prednisone. It wasnt like a second...
  6. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    Thank you all! I would not know where to find help other than here. It's so difficult to know what to do. I have read posts with prednisone as the best option and other threads with terrible effects on T (spike, making it louder) and psyche. Plus what is really stressfull is the pressure of a...
  7. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    Thanks! My ENT cannot see me today. I would have to go to the ER which I dread I am just so unsure if this is an acoustic trauma or not. I didnt have muffled hearing and I am anxious that maybe the Prednisone is not warranted and will make it worse. Any more opinions?
  8. Y

    Stuck Next to Very Loud Construction Site in Car for Minutes — Bad Spike

    Please I need help. Today I was driving in my car with all windows up. I passed a construction site and suddenly then there was an incredibly loud sound from a machine, definitely louder than a jack hammer. I don't know what but I am not talking a few hits with hammer or even a metal grinder...
  9. Y

    Bearberry (Uva Ursi) Hydroquinone Ototoxic?

    Hi again. I took a herbal med that contained bearberry (containing hydroquinone/arbutine) for a bladder infection some time ago. The doctor proposed an antibiotic but I am against taking them so I resorted to this herbal med. No ear-related side effects are stated by the pharmaceutical company...
  10. Y

    Covered Ears with My Hands Too Fast: Now Spike

    Thank you! A bit better today though not back to what it was
  11. Y

    Covered Ears with My Hands Too Fast: Now Spike

    Hi guys, I am an unlucky sod and so upset right now. I was sitting in my living room reading with my brother sitting a few feet away and he is a very loud sneezer. Of course he had to sneeze and I automatically, really like a reflex out of fear raised both hands fast and covered both ears with...