Recent content by Yellowblue44

  1. Yellowblue44

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    Dr. Hamid Djalilian is relying on a study conducted at his own university to sell his protocol for $5,000. See the study below. It is also referenced in his reactive tinnitus information sheet on his website. This study has purposely selected...
  2. Yellowblue44

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    I have been taking a very low dose of Quetiapine, 7 mg (a quarter of a 25 mg pill), for sleep for a couple of years. My doctor had previously prescribed Mirtazapine, but it only kept me awake. Recently, I managed to wean off Quetiapine, but after experiencing noise trauma, my hyperacusis and...
  3. Yellowblue44

    Loudness Hyperacusis, Followed by Pain Hyperacusis (Noxacusis)

    Hi @Lorna46, I heard that your tinnitus is more stable now. Do you have any tips on how you achieved that? You asked about music. I can listen at a very low volume for a couple of minutes, but my tinnitus mimics all music, so I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I also wanted to ask...
  4. Yellowblue44

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    @marqualler, when you started his protocol, what symptoms of your tinnitus and hyperacusis led the doctor to determine that they were the same as a silent migraine? Dr. Hamid Djalilian doesn’t take on UK patients, so I will be following his protocol through my doctors here. Any information you...
  5. Yellowblue44

    Thats great to hear. Im assuming you dont have Hyperacusis? and your Tinnitus was it always mild?

    Thats great to hear. Im assuming you dont have Hyperacusis? and your Tinnitus was it always mild?
  6. Yellowblue44

    Sharing Gratitude 🙏 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to My Tinnitus Talk Friends!

    Dear fellow hyperacusis and tinnitus friends, I have faced many ups and downs in my life, but this year has been incredibly hard and nothing else compares. Ironically, this experience has taught me just how fortunate I was before hyperacusis and tinnitus entered my life. These conditions have...
  7. Yellowblue44

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    I am thinking about starting the migraine program as well. Three months in, how has your loudness hyperacusis and reactive tinnitus improved? Are you able to do anything now that you could not do three months ago? Thanks!
  8. Yellowblue44

    When Watching TV, I Hear White Noise That Overpowers People Talking

    For about eight weeks now, I have been experiencing a white noise-like external sound when I watch TV on volume levels 1 to 3. It feels like background noise that overpowers people talking, so I have to increase the volume a bit to hear clearly. A lot of people say audio quality is bad for them...
  9. Yellowblue44

    Loudness Hyperacusis, Followed by Pain Hyperacusis (Noxacusis)

    @Lorna46, that's great to hear there's been some improvement. Thanks for the tips! I've been lucky that I have some family visiting from abroad, so they've been taking care of my daughter most days. That means I'm home alone much of the time. How are the kitchen sounds for you? What about...
  10. Yellowblue44

    Struggling with Setbacks: Seeking Hope for Recovery from Tinnitus, Reactive Tinnitus, and Hyperacusis

    Thanks, @MindOverMatter, for your reply. During your major setback or when this happened to you, did you notice any improvement within the first three to four months? I’m not asking about major improvement, just small changes, like some sounds dialing down a little. I don’t use ear protection...
  11. Yellowblue44

    Setbacks, Sounds and Healing from Hyperacusis

    @ECP, did you try Clomipramine? Has your loudness hyperacusis improved since your last setback?
  12. Yellowblue44

    Struggling with Setbacks: Seeking Hope for Recovery from Tinnitus, Reactive Tinnitus, and Hyperacusis

    I will keep this short. In March, after attending a party with a DJ, my mild tinnitus became loud, and I experienced hyperacusis for a few days. Things improved after that. However, following a plane ride, catching COVID-19, and taking antibiotics all around the same time, I developed reactive...
  13. Yellowblue44

    Loudness Hyperacusis, Followed by Pain Hyperacusis (Noxacusis)

    @Lorna46 have your kids broken up for Christmas? I hope you have seen much improvement. I've seen none.
  14. Yellowblue44

    @Cmspgran Even in an empty park I hear this. I also hear something similar when I watch tv on...

    @Cmspgran Even in an empty park I hear this. I also hear something similar when I watch tv on low volume. It's a like a white noise. Has this improved for you? The whole thing has made me housebound and I'm worried that I've seen no improvement in my loudness H or Reactive T. Part 2 of 2
  15. Yellowblue44

    @Cmspgran hello! I wondered if I can ask you a couple of questions please. As I think we have...

    @Cmspgran hello! I wondered if I can ask you a couple of questions please. As I think we have something similar that's really bothering me. So mine started 6 months ago due to loud noise exposures. However 3 months ago I my symptoms worsened and I've seen no improvement whatsoever. When I go...