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Member, Male, from Cleveland, OH

For the past 3 days I've been getting fleeting tinnitus 20-30 times a day. Any clue what is up? Aug 31, 2021

Flyingsheep was last seen:
Aug 13, 2024
    1. Sammy0225
      How did you get your reactivity tinnitus to go away??
      1. Flyingsheep
        it gradually resolved itself. but on really bad days it's sometimes still a thing.
        Apr 20, 2023
    2. Flyingsheep
      For the past 3 days I've been getting fleeting tinnitus 20-30 times a day. Any clue what is up?
      1. Damocles
        frequent high altitudes?
        Aug 31, 2021
    3. Flyingsheep
      Why is it that sitting outside and listening to crickets will cause severe irritation in my right ear and spike T for a few days? Is that H?
    4. Flyingsheep
      My baseline has basically become severe. Never has this happened. The second I wake up in the morning it's severe. Every single day.
      1. katri likes this.
      2. just1morething
        Sleep reset seems common. I hope you can find some relief.

        You could try a sleep study? Possible sleep apnea.
        Aug 15, 2020
      3. Flyingsheep
        @just1morething it used to be something I could always count on. It is no longer the case
        Aug 15, 2020
      4. all to gain
        all to gain
        Hang on in there mate. Have you tried different supplements?
        Aug 15, 2020
    5. Flyingsheep
      How can it suddenly increase to a whole new level without any reason? This type of T is like cancer in your brain. It grows and destroys you
      1. dan
        Yup, its like cancer. It will destroy you eventually. Mine has gotten so loud permanently with many added sounds, its 60-70db of sirens and piercing tinnitus 24/7 no let up. Hey at least you have silent/maskable days...that's something to be thankful for at least.
        Nov 1, 2020
    6. Flyingsheep
      Having a really hard time. Been having severe T for SO long now without a break. The future is not promising for me with this condition.
      1. Tavia R
        Tavia R
        I feel you there, sometimes it feels like if you could only get a break for one day you'd recover enough to handle it again. I hope you get a break soon
        Jun 22, 2020
    7. Flyingsheep
      Well it's been long enough since my MRI that any worsening from it would be noticeable by now. Still got the same cycles of mild and spikes
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
    8. Flyingsheep
      Why does T always come back with a vengeance if you have too many good days? Out of nowhere right ear BLASTS with 18khz tone and it HURTS.
    9. Flyingsheep
      I did a frequency range test on proper speakers up to 20khz, turns out I can hear them all evenly without cranking the volume. 20khz is LOUD
      1. ASilverLight likes this.
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      3. ASilverLight
        I haven't, I've just used very high quality headphones that can go up to 20k. I do know that around the onset of my tinnitus I had a major panic attack lasting over 2 days and after that it became the way it is now.
        Jun 1, 2020
      4. ASilverLight
        I also get one tone loudly when I'm either super hot or emotional so I wonder if blood pressure has a say in that. I know mine isn't noise induced, at least that's not the main culprit at all. No acoustic trauma before onset and not all that much loud noise exposure.
        Jun 1, 2020
      5. ASilverLight
        So stress/anxiety, along with a sinus infection and some other likely issue AND neck trauma... I'm just hoping that once some get treated, the tinnitus goes down too.

        soz for the 3 messages lol, feel free to PM if you wanna discuss more!
        Jun 1, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
    10. Flyingsheep
      5 days in with the nasal spray and my T has been soo consistently low, with only one incident of it spiking moderately. Hope this continues
      1. Turgy, aot and Steph1710 like this.
    11. Flyingsheep
      Saw the ENT today and they did an even more extensive hearing test than before, and there is no hearing loss. She thinks I could have ETD
      1. ASilverLight likes this.
    12. Flyingsheep
      I'm back into severe T for the longest period ever, starting to experience pain... saw a doctor and they want to do an MRI. What happened?
    13. Flyingsheep
      And just like that I wake up to a whole day of near silence. Maybe it has something to do with staying at home and my mental health.
    14. Flyingsheep
      Now been dealing with the worst spike of my life, in my right ear. It's just a non-stop super loud high-pitch tone. It's so hard to cope.
      1. bobthebuilder and Orions Pain like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bobthebuilder
        Feel your pain brother, stay safe
        Apr 22, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
      4. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Tell yourself that it will likely be temporary. Do you know what might have caused it?
        Apr 22, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
      5. Flyingsheep
        @Bill Bauer I suddenly woke up to silence this morning, despite the previous days being horrendous. Thank you, you are right. I'm thinking it's the staying at home and increased anxiety that maybe played into it?
        Apr 22, 2020
        Bill Bauer likes this.
    15. Ben S
      Ben S
      Hey man, did you say that you believe your tinnitus may have been caused by alcohol ototoxicity? If so, it looks like it might be time for me to stop drinking!
      1. bobthebuilder and Flyingsheep like this.
      2. Flyingsheep
        Yes I think it was the trigger. I was at high altitude and wasn't used to it, and drank on my second night. It caused so much pressure in my blood vessels that I'm sure it damaged something, as the moment I woke up the next morning I've had tinnitus ever since.
        Mar 25, 2020
    16. Flyingsheep
      Worst spike ever resolved. Today all I could hear was the tone of the room. That felt amazing. Staying positive.
      1. Vicki14, Bill Bauer, Capstan and 3 others like this.
    17. Flyingsheep
      Anybody know why one case of taking Tylenol (the least ototoxic painkiller) would cause such a horrendous spike that just won’t let up?
      1. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Could it be that whatever had caused your headache is what ultimately caused the spike in T?
        Feb 15, 2020
        Flyingsheep and OnceUponaTime like this.
      2. Rb86
        There's no telling. If I take an antihistamine it sets mine off terribly. Took around 3 days or so to subside to base level.
        Feb 15, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
      3. Flyingsheep
        @Bill Bauer I think you're right. It's gone now, doing much better.
        Feb 25, 2020
        Bill Bauer likes this.
    18. Flyingsheep
      I just spiked to a severe level and I have no idea why. The only thing that I can think of is I took Tylenol recently for a nasty headache?
    19. Flyingsheep
      5 days of pure relief from consuming turmeric daily. About 80-90% reduction in tinnitus. Hoping this keeps going.
      1. Auron
        How much were you taking?
        Feb 4, 2020
        Flyingsheep and Bill Bauer like this.
      2. Flyingsheep
        Feb 4, 2020
    20. Flyingsheep
      Typewriter tinnitus is back, after not experiencing it for almost a year. Same ear, same exact sound.
    21. Flyingsheep
      Last night was horrific. I don't get the reasoning behind this sudden increase of insanity.
      1. all to gain
        all to gain
        I feel your pain! Mine has been insane for the last few days. Thought I was a gonna three days ago. Hope it gets better for you damn soon.
        Jan 10, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
      2. Flyingsheep
        Thank you so much. I'm finally getting relief and it's back to how it used to be this whole day. Starting to feel like myself again
        Jan 12, 2020
    22. Flyingsheep
      Not a good day. T spontaneously jumped from low static to a loud extremely high-pitched drill like a needle in my brain. This is hell.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vicki14
        Hi, totally relate to your frustration with this condition. How are you now? x
        May 30, 2021
      3. Flyingsheep
        @Vicki14 I still deal with these spikes from mild hiss to devastatingly loud high-pitch squeal. The only thing that's improved is that I have virtually no reactivity UNLESS I'm in the middle of a spike.
        Jun 3, 2021
        Vicki14 likes this.
      4. IntotheBlue03
        Feb 19, 2022
    23. Flyingsheep
      Nothing but hiss/static the past few days. Ever since I saw my hearing results my hyperacusis has faded to being almost nonexistent.
    24. Flyingsheep
      I got a hearing test, doctor said it's better than perfect and they're perplexed as to why I have tinnitus. Well, at least I know now.
      1. just1morething
        I think you have a lot of hope with perfect hearing.
        Jan 1, 2020
        Flyingsheep likes this.
      2. Flyingsheep
        I hope so. Still stuck with tinnitus and it still fluctuates. This audiologist actually cared and tested voice recognition in noisy environments as well, and I passed with flying colors. So no hidden hearing loss either I suppose.
        Jan 1, 2020
        bobthebuilder likes this.
    25. Flyingsheep
      The past 2 days I have pretty much NOT heard much T, and when that happens my ears feel weird like I can feel the blood running.
      1. Flyingsheep
        it's like my brain wants to hear something.
        Dec 29, 2019
      2. just1morething
        Is that pulsating tinnitus?
        Jan 1, 2020
      3. Flyingsheep
        I might have a little bit. It comes and goes, but it's barely audible.
        Jan 1, 2020
    26. Flyingsheep
      Crazy un-maskable buzzing is finally gone again. It seemed to help to stop caring about it so much. Hearing test is in 4 days.
    27. Flyingsheep
      The crazy buzzing went away for two days and things were normal, and now it’s back. It changes depending how I rest my head.
      1. Flyingsheep
        Also it’s un-maskable by any tinnitus masking track.
        Dec 23, 2019
    28. Flyingsheep
      Suddenly T sounds like a lot of static in both ears, which is kind of driving me nuts. But it’s not reactive to anything anymore.
      1. Capstan likes this.
      2. just1morething
      3. Flyingsheep
        Thanks, I finally have an appointment to get an audiogram on December 31st. That hopefully can help clear some things up.
        Dec 19, 2019
    29. Flyingsheep
      I turned down an appointment with Neuromod in May. Feels like I turned down a girl or something. Hopefully I don’t regret it
      1. threefirefour likes this.
      2. acute
        Why you turned down?
        Dec 22, 2019
        threefirefour and Flyingsheep like this.
      3. Flyingsheep
        Because I still want to give my T some time since it’s had moments of getting better, and wait to see how Lenire develops and if it improves. Right now it seems to only help for 50% of everyone.
        Dec 22, 2019
    30. Flyingsheep
      Couple days ago, dante's inferno again. Today, sitting in a quiet room and hear nothing, except the quietest buzz coming from a light.
      1. Autumnly, Bill Bauer and Guest444 like this.
      2. HeavyMantra
        Could you tell more about how it fluctuates?
        Dec 15, 2019
      3. Flyingsheep
        It's reactive to certain sounds. It always returns to baseline when I wake up, which is some white noise in both ears. But depending on how much sleep I get, it can ramp up to a high pitch ringing sound as the day progresses.
        Dec 15, 2019
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    Cleveland, OH
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus: