Don Tinny

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  • Hi Tinny I have seen in a post that you managed to eliminate the residual sound of your tinnitus leaving only the base sounds, were they also electric? After 5 years, my electrical tinnitus has become very high (since last Friday) and only sometimes for a few seconds do they let me hear the tinnitus below me , how did you get it?
    Don Tinny
    Hi! my old sounds were not "electric". I had a baseline tinnitus and new high frequency sounds. After two years the higher ringings dissapeared suddenly. I don´t know why. My new severe tinnitus is not improving (the concert was in 2017) and it´s not always in the same frequencies. Anyway I am coping better I guess. At least I am not reading this forum everyday.
    Sorry about poor english.
    just saw your mention of finasteride, the MD that has had me on this has not mentioned any side effects, but he is in a large practice and Im pretty sure is timed on how many minutes he spends with each patient, so no extra advice. If not inappropriate , could you expand on what side effect you have noticed with finasteride. thanks
    Don Tinny
    Hi! Sides effects are sadly permanent or at least very long lasting. Poorer erections and lower libido. You can´t cure this with hormones. Post Finasteride Syndrome is a medical enigma, just like tinnitus. You can develop sides even after years of taking the drug or when you leave it and DHT returns to your body. Most doctors dont know the syndrome. Just read
    Don Tinny
    I am in a better point. It was worst 2 years ago but I am not the same guy anymore. Libido is lower.
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