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  • Just came on here to say I got t at 18, I'm 22 now. Totally habituated, it gets normal for you. OCD is my problem, you too will overcome.
    Thank you!
    Yes! Thank you for sharing x
    You can & WILL get better. I tried like crazy to make it go away, it didn't for me, it might for you! Who knows. Regardless, you learn to live with what you cannot change. Good luck :)
    my new neighbor below me is a smoker with a chronic cough and she wakes me at 2am how nice :) earplugs are my escape though
    It would be worse if he were listening to loud music, so there's that, I guess.
    she coughs as if she's choking and has woken me up twice, i honestly dont know which is worse of the two
    Muffled hearing went away, so so thankful. I'll take t over muffled hearing any day.
    Can I ask how long you had muffled hearing for ? My right ear (my good ear ) has been like it for a week now and I said the same thing that I'd rather suffer with T than this ☹
    @jazzy I had it for less than a week about six days I believe it was some sort of inflammation because I had constant aching pain too. I bought an otoscope at walmart and had my partner inspect my ear he said he saw redness at the back of my eardrum and a little wax thats too close to it.
    I work at leasing offices and I think it may have been the phones. Sometimes I get phone calls where the person doesnt realize how loud they can be
    the horrific fact that it is infinite. the sound does not have a beginning nor end. it blows me away. scattered throughout my brain....
    Ilias T
    Rough day for me today. It's not infinite, we won't live forever lol
    T is roaring, honestly dont care tho. Muffled hearing, and ear pain is getting the best of me this week. Dr's office tmrw if I don't p out.
    I work in an office but I've decided I'm gonna start dropping calls if the other person is too loud in my ear. Not worth the pain.
    I hear this sound in my ear that sounds like a vibrating noise. Could the cause be that my ears are clogged?
    I will never get used to fluctuating T
    It's tough to find relief. Mine fluctuates a lot too.
    I had crazy fluctuating T up until very recently when all my tones stabilised. I've noticed since this has happened, I'm suddenly very habituated to the noise I have been left with, even though it's only been a few weeks. I had fluctuating T for 9 months prior to stable T, & I can honestly say habituation was impossible for me.
    How can one habituate to something constantly changing!? I'm so glad mine's settled. Hopefully yours will too. X
    Cleaned the inside of my ear with a towel now I have a crackling air-like popping sound that occurs with head movement how do I get rid kms
    a light hiss in my left, roaring t in my right, plus ear fluttering :(
    Sorry about that. I hope you can figure something out. I have some hissing in my left ear. I was going to look into balloon dilation of my Eustachian tube. Noise really bugs me.
    @just1morething i hear clicking in my nose some mornings. i think its my ET....? maybe a sinus thing.
    thank you for your kind words by the way
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