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  • Almost 4 years of complete dysfunction and for what?? for a damned stupid part time job. No treatment, no prospect of future treatment.
    My hearing is at a stage where following a 10 second conversaiton is impossible. i can't comprehend 90% of what's being said.
    We as a community should articulate to researchers that bad tinnitus causes cognitive disabillity that few conditions cause at that level.
    Seeing the Adderall shortage right now, imagine we had the same lobby that ADHD has, then we would also be functioning human beings as well.
    It's surreal that i (inadvertently) threw my life away because of a noisy part time job, life ruined and there is nothing i can do about it.
    Undergoing TMJ surgery today. Will update if there is any effect on the tinnitus/hearing problems.
    Life is stupid, no way what's waiting behind the corner - destroying your health and thus your life. Life up to that point was a simulation.
    Meeting prof' of audiology today in the hope of trying to decipher why i can't stand speech 95% of the time with so called normal hearing.
    I Subscribed for Pegasos. It gives me a great sense of calmness knowing i will have a peacful ending to this nightmare.
    I'm applying for VAD. If i can't use my money to live like normal human being then at least i can use it to end my suffering with no pain.
    My young brain degenerates from not understanding speech and from the severe tinnitus. I feel like i have been lobotomised. No diagnosis yet
    This is it. I'm done with the torture and suffering tomorrow. I still feel like it's all a bad dream.
    Too much to bear. Severe tinnitus and inabillity to understand human speech. Every day is a mess :(
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