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  • Spiking again. Probably my brain playing tricks. Matches all previous spikes and I'm coping better than before. Long ago since last time.
    Spiking again... This time without having been exposed to any loud sounds that I know of. Possibly stress related.
    I believe my spike has receded. Possibly slightly higher noise, but I think it's gone and back to "normal" T.
    Spiking again. Hockey game 5 days ago. Wore plugs, but I guess I should've used the other filter I have. Writing here as a log.
    No major change since last year's increase. Bothersome at night, but I guess I'm handling it OK. Anxiety is gone and I'm off SSRI.
    Don't know if it's the SSRI or something else, but life is beginning to return despite the T not yet fading back to baseline.
    Hej, jag sökte lite på forumet efter svenskar och jag hittade dig. Är du ljudöverkänslig eller har du "bara" tinnitus? Vet du om det finns fler svenskar på forumet?
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